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1942 Libre issue of St. Pierre & Miquelon

  • Colnect-4389-086-France--Libre--Fnfl.jpg
  • Colnect-874-518-France--Libre--Fnfl.jpg
Short desc: 1942 Libre

Issuer: St. Pierre & Miquelon
Date: 1942
Sort position: 5

Consists of 2 stamps: (See stamps as list)

10c bis&mag d=fisherman (1909) ovpt=FRANCE LIBRE//F. N. F. L. oc=blk on=1925-10c
30c viobrn&prusbl d=fulmar petrel (1909) ovpt=FRANCE LIBRE//F. N. F. L. oc=blk on=1925-30c