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100th Anniversary of Nobel Prize Trust Fund issue of Barbuda

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Short desc: 100th Anniversary of Nobel Prize Trust Fund

Issuer: Barbuda
Date: 10/25/1996
Occasion: Nobel Prize Trust Fund start
Number/Year: 100

Consists of 20 stamps: (See stamps as list)

$1 d=Georg Wittig (1979 Chemistry)
$1 d=William Faulkner (1949 Literature)
$1 d=Nadine Gordimer (1991 Literature)
$1 d=John Steinbeck (1962 Literature)
$1 d=Otto Stern (1943 Physics)
$1 d=Andrei Sakharov (1975 Peace)
$1 d=Jack Steinberger (1988 Physics)
$1 d=Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1970 Literature)
$1 d=Rudyard Kipling (1907 Literature)
$1 d=Shumal Agnon (1966 Literature)
$1 d=Arno Penzias (1978 Physics)
$1 d=Manfred Eigen (1967 Chemistry)
$1 d=Hermann Staudinger (1953 Chemistry)
$1 d=Alexander Fleming (1945 Medicine)
$1 d=Karl Ziegler (1963 Chemistry)
$1 d=Robert Koch (1905 Medicine)
$1 d=Wilhelm Ostwald (1996)
$1 d=Dag Hammarskjold (1961 Peace)
$6 d=Elie Wiesel (1986 Peace)
$6 d=Dalai Lama (1989 Peace)

All are wmk=St Edwards crown & CA

Issues with this name: Barbuda, Dominica (1995), Gambia (1995), Ghana (1995), Maldive Islands (1995), Sierra Leone (1995), Togo (1995), Uganda (1995)