George VI pictorials issue of Fiji
Short desc: George VI pictorials
Issuer: Fiji
Dates: 4/5/1938 - 11/15/1948
Consists of 22 stamps: (See stamps as list)
1/2p grn d=natives in canoe & King George VI
1p bl&redbrn d=village & King George VI
1 1/2p rosecar d=canoe & King George VI var=canoe empty
1940 1 1/2p rosecar d=canoe & King George VI var=man in canoe
2p blgrn&redbrn d=map of Fiji Islands & King George VI var=no 180 degree label
2p mag&grn d=government buildings & King George VI
1940 2p blgrn&redbrn d=map of Fiji Islands & King George VI var=180 degree label
2 1/2p grn&brn d=map of Fiji Islands & King George VI
3p bl d=outrigger canoe & King George VI
5p ver&dkvio d=sugar cane & King George VI
1/10/1940 5p red&yelgrn d=sugar cane & King George VI perf=12.5
6p blk d=map of Fiji Islands & King George VI
1940 6p blk d=map of Fiji Islands & King George VI var=180 degree label
11/15/1948 8p red d=arms of Fiji & King George VI
1sh blk&yel d=spear fishing at night & King George VI perf=12.5
1sh5p d=arms of Fiji & King George VI
1sh6p ultra d=arms of Fiji & King George VI
2sh vio&org d=Suva Harbor & King George VI perf=12.5
2sh6p d=river scene & King George VI
5sh grn&pur d=Fijian House & King George VI perf=12.5
10sh emer&brnorg d=papaya Tree & King George VI perf=12.5
1lb car&dkbl d=bugler & King George VI
All are wmk=mult crown & script CA
Issues with this name: Antigua, Bermuda, British Guiana, British Honduras, Burma, Cayman Islands, Ceylon, Cook Islands, Cyprus, Fiji, Gibraltar, Gilbert & Ellice Islands (1939), Grenada, Jamaica, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Mauritius (1950), Montserrat, Nigeria, Niue, Nyasaland Protectorate (1945), St. Vincent, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands (1939), Trinidad & Tobago, Virgin Islands (1952)