Prev: 1940a (German occupation of Poland)
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1940b issue of France

  • Colnect-143-271-Semeuse-Overprint.jpg
  • Colnect-143-273-Peace-Overprint.jpg
  • Colnect-143-277-Peace-Overprint.jpg
  • Colnect-143-275-Mercury-Overprint.jpg
  • Colnect-143-272-Peace-Overprint.jpg
  • Colnect-143-274-Peace-Overprint.jpg
  • Colnect-143-276-Peace-Overprint.jpg
  • Colnect-143-287-Saint-Malo-Overprint.jpg
Short desc: 1940b

Issuer: France
Date: 1940
Sort position: 2

Consists of 15 stamps: (See stamps as list)

30c grn d=sower (1906 no ground) oc=blk on=issue=1906-35c-grn perf=14x13.5
50c brtultra d=Peace (1932) oc=blk on=1937-65c perf=14x13.5
50c dkbl d=Peace (1932) oc=blk on=1938-90c-dkbl perf=14x13.5
50c dkorgbrn d=Mercury (1938) oc=blk on=1939-75c-dkorgbrn perf=14x13.5
50c dlvio d=Peace (1932) oc=blk on=1937-55c perf=14x13.5
50c olgrn d=Peace (1932) oc=blk on=1932-75c-olgrn perf=14x13.5
50c org d=Peace (1932) oc=blk on=1938-80c-org perf=14x13.5
1fr dpbl d=Peace (1932) oc=blk on=1932-1.50fr perf=14x13.5
1fr redvio d=Peace (1932) oc=blk on=1939-1.40fr perf=14x13.5
1fr rosecar d=Peace (1932) oc=blk on=1939-1.25fr perf=14x13.5
1fr viobrn d=miners oc=blk on=1938-2.15fr perf=13
2.50fr ultra d=Carcassonne (1938) oc=blk on=1938-5fr perf=13
5fr blkbrn d=Vincennes oc=blk on=1938-10fr perf=13
10fr dkgrn d=St Malo oc=blk on=1938-20fr perf=13
20fr bl d=Clement Ader oc=blk on=1938-50fr perf=13

Issues with this name: Bulgaria, China, France, French Equatorial Africa, German occupation of Poland, Spanish Morocco