Short desc: 1961
Issuer: German Democratic Republic Dates: 8/29/1961 - 1967 Consists of 14 stamps: (See stamps as list) 5pf blgray 10pf emer 15pf 20pf 1963 25pf prusbl 1963 30pf car 35pf 1963 40pf viobl 1963 50pf 1964 60pf olgrn 1963 70pf 1967 80pf 1m 2m All are d=Ulbricht Issues with this name: Andorra (Fr), Basutoland, Brazil, Chad, China, PRC, Cuba, Denmark, Egypt, Germany, Berlin, German Democratic Republic, Greece, Israel, Korea, North Korea, Kuwait, Selangor, Mali, Nigeria, North Borneo, Qatar, Russia, St. Helena, Somalia, South Africa, South West Africa, Spanish Sahara, Sweden, Syria (1962), Thailand, Tristan da Cunha, Trucial States, Turkey, Yugoslavia, Zanzibar |