Stampdesc Mexico, 1910-5p

desc_issuer: Mexico
desc_year: 1910
desc_denom: 5p

Related descs: issuer=Mexico-type=official-1911

Used by 1 overprinted stamp:
Mexico postage 8/1914 5p car&blk issue=dollar overprint b d=Capture of Granaditas ovpt=GOBIERNO//$//CONSTITUCIONALISTA sideways oc=blk on=1910-5p wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=5.5x11,misc paper=blue lines

Used by 1 image: See images as array

Matches 2 types:
Mexico postage 1910 5p car&blk issue=independence 100th d=Capture of Granaditas wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=5.5x11,misc paper=blue lines
Mexico official 1910 5p car&blk issue=1910 official wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=14