Stampdesc Germany, 80pf

desc_issuer: Germany
desc_denom: 80pf
desc_denom2: 80(pf) (# 5835)

Used by 1 overprinted stamp:
Danzig postage 1920 80pf issue=1920d ovpt=Danzig italics oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-80pf

Used by 2 (1 visible) images: See images as array

Matches 238 types in all, showing first 100:
Germany postage 1/1/1900 80pf lake&blk pc=rose issue=1900 d=Germania (Reichspost) unwmk
Germany postage 4/1/1902 80pf lake&blk pc=rose issue=1902 d=Germania (Deutsches Reich) unwmk
Germany postage 1905 80pf lake&blk pc=rose issue=1905 d=Germania (Deutsches Reich) wmk=lozenges
Germany postage 9/1920 80(pf) blvio issue=1920b d=Germania (Deutsches Reich) wmk=lozenges
Germany postage 5/1921 80pf carrose issue=1921 d=iron workers wmk=lozenges
Germany postage 1/1922 80pf carrose issue=1922a d=iron workers wmk=network
Germany postage 5/1924 80pf sl issue=UPU 50th d=von Stephan wmk=network perf=14
Germany postage 11/1/1926 80pf choc issue=1926 dt=portraits (1926) d=Durer wmk=network perf=14
Germany postage 9/1/1928 80pf viobrn issue=1928 d=Hindenburg (face) wmk=network perf=14
Germany postage 1930 80pf yeloch issue=1928 d=Hindenburg (face) wmk=network perf=14
Germany postage 6/1933 80pf bl&grayblk issue=1933 d=Hindenburg (profile) wmk=network perf=14
Germany postage 5/1936 80pf dkbl&grayblk issue=1933 swastikas d=Hindenburg (profile) wmk=swastikas perf=14
Germany postage 8/1/1941 80pf blblk issue=Hitler head d=Adolf Hitler (1941) unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 2/1946 80pf dkbl issue=1946 d=numeral (1946 Germany) wmk=DEUTSCHE POST perf=14
Germany postage 3/7/1947 80pf dkbl issue=production d=laborer (1947) wmk=DEUTSCHE POST perf=14
Germany postage 1948 80pf dkbl issue=1948c d=laborer (1947) ovpt=posthorn row oc=blk on=issue=production-80pf-dkbl wmk=DEUTSCHE POST perf=14
Germany postage 1948 80pf dkbl issue=1948d d=laborer (1947) ovpt=posthorn area oc=blk on=issue=production-80pf-dkbl wmk=DEUTSCHE POST perf=14
Germany postage 1948 80pf redvio issue=1948e d=Brandenburg Gate, Berlin wmk=D P mult perf=14
Germany airmail 1922 80pf issue=1922 air d=carrier pigeon unwmk perf=14
Germany semipostal 4/19/1990 80pf+35pf multi issue=Max & Moritz 125th unwmk perf=14
Germany semipostal 9/27/1990 80pf+35pf multi dt=post & telecom unwmk perf=14
Germany airmail 1/21/1934 80pf issue=1934 air wmk=swastikas
Germany postage 4/16/1952 80(pf) issue=posthorn d=posthorn (1951) perf=14
Germany postage 1/31/1954 80(pf) dprose issue=1954 Heuss d=Theodor Heuss perf=14
Germany postage 6/1957 80(pf) redorg issue=1956 Heuss d=Heuss (1956) wmk=DBP perf=14
Germany postage 12/1/1961 80(pf) brn issue=1961 dt=famous Germans d=Heinrich von Kleist wmk=DBP & rosettes perf=14
Germany postage 12/15/1964 80(pf) choc issue=1964 dt=buildings (1964 Germany) d=Elling Gate, Weisenburg unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 6/21/1967 80(pf) redbrn issue=1966a dt=architecture (1966) d=Ellingen gate Weißenburg Bavaria (1967) unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 4/8/1971 80(pf) slgrn issue=1970 d=Heinemann unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 10/15/1975 80(pf) dkgrn issue=1975 dt=technology (1975) d=tractor (1975) unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 7/13/1978 80(pf) multi issue=Messel fossils d=bat unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 6/16/1982 80(pf) ol issue=1979 dt=castles (1977 Germany) d=Schloss Wilhelmsthal unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 7/15/1982 80(pf) multi issue=anti-alcohol unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 7/15/1982 80(pf) multi issue=25th Anniversary of the Struggle Against Leprosy unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 8/12/1982 80(pf) grayvio&car issue=Franck & Born 100th d=James Franck & Max Born unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 10/14/1982 80(pf) multi issue=Stamp Day 1982 d=letters in letter holder unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 11/10/1982 80(pf) multi dt=presidents (1982) d=Theodor Heuss (1982) unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 11/10/1982 80(pf) multi dt=presidents (1982) d=Heinrich Lübke unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 11/10/1982 80(pf) multi dt=presidents (1982) d=Gustav Heinemann (1982) unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 11/10/1982 80(pf) multi dt=presidents (1982) d=Walter Scheel unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 11/10/1982 80(pf) multi dt=presidents (1982) d=Karl Carstens unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 1/13/1983 80(pf) multi d=Edith Stein unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 1/13/1983 80(pf) multi issue=persecution & resistance d=White Rose & Barbed Wire unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 2/8/1983 80(pf) multi issue=Gropius 100th d=Skylights of Bauhaus Archives Berlin Walter Gropius unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 5/5/1983 80(pf) multi issue=beer pureness law 450th unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 5/5/1983 80(pf) multi issue=Johannes Brahms 150th d=Johannes Brahms unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 5/5/1983 80(pf) multi issue=Kafka 100th unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 5/5/1983 80(pf) brn issue=Germany-US immigration 300th d=ship Concord unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 5/5/1983 80(pf) multi issue=Europa 1983 dt=discoveries d=electromagnetic waves unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 7/14/1983 80(pf) multi issue=children & road safety unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 8/11/1983 80(pf) multi issue=Rauhe Hause orphanage 150th unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 8/11/1983 80(pf) multi issue=UN membership 10th unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 8/11/1983 80(pf) multi issue=Wieland 250th unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 10/13/1983 80(pf) multi issue=Martin Luther 500th d=Martin Luther holding book unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 10/13/1983 80(pf) multi issue=Stamp Day 1983 d=postrider 1983 unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 11/10/1983 80(pf) multi issue=territorial authorities unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 1/12/1984 80(pf) multi issue=Trier 2000th d=Black Gate Trier unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 1/12/1984 80(pf) multi issue=Philipp Reis 150th d=Philipp Reis with experimental telephone unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 4/12/1984 80(pf) ltviobl&dkviobl&yel issue=2nd European Parliament election d=Parliament emblem unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 5/8/1984 80(pf) dkgrn issue=St Norbert von Xanten death 850th d=St Norbert von Xanten unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 5/8/1984 80(pf) multi issue=Barmer Theological Declaration 50th unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 5/8/1984 80(pf) multi issue=Europa 1984 d=Europa viaduct unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 6/19/1984 80(pf) multi issue=Neuss 2000th d=Groom leading horse detail from tomb of Oclatius unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 6/19/1984 80(pf) multi issue=Bessel 200th d=Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 6/19/1984 80(pf) multi issue=UPU Congress 1984 d=Scanning lens of an automatic letter distribution unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 8/21/1984 80(pf) multi d=DESY research center unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 8/21/1984 80(pf) multi issue=Schleswig-Holstein Canal 200th d=boat in Schleswig-Holstein Canal unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 10/18/1984 80(pf) multi issue=Stamp Day 1984 unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 11/8/1984 80(pf) multi issue=equal rights unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 11/8/1984 80(pf) gray&bl&blk issue=peace & understanding unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 1/10/1985 80(pf) multi issue=Augsburg 2000th d=Emperor Augustus bust Buildings & Arms unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 1/10/1985 80(pf) blk&blgrn issue=Philipp Spener 350th d=Philipp Spener unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 1/10/1985 80(pf) multi issue=Germanic Congress unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 1/10/1985 80(pf) multi issue=Romano Guardini 100th d=Romano Guardini unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 2/21/1985 80(pf) multi issue=Bonn-Copenhagen declaration 30th d=map of Danish-German border unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 4/16/1985 80(pf) multi issue=225th Anniversary of the Birth of Johann Peter Hebel d=Johann Peter Hebel (1985) unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 5/7/1985 80(pf) multi issue=Josef Kentenich 100th unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 5/7/1985 80(pf) multi issue=European Music Year d=Bach unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 7/16/1985 80(pf) multi issue=forest conservation unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 8/13/1985 80(pf) multi issue=Frankfurt Stock Exchange 400th unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 10/15/1985 80(pf) multi issue=175th Anniversary of the Birth of Fritz Reuter d=Fritz Reuter unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 11/12/1985 80(pf) multi issue=German railroad 150th unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 11/12/1985 80(pf) multi issue=refugee reintegration 40th unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 11/12/1985 80(pf) multi issue=Bundeswehr 30th unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 1/16/1986 80(pf) multi issue=automobile 100th unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 2/13/1986 80(pf) bl&multi d=Giotto probe approaching Halley's Comet unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 2/13/1986 80(pf) multi issue=Oskar Kokoschka 100th d=Self-Portrait - Oskar Kokoschka unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 5/5/1986 80(pf) multi issue=Karl Barth 100th d=Karl Barth unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 5/5/1986 80(pf) multi issue=Union of German Catholic Students assembly unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 5/5/1986 80(pf) multi issue=Europa 1986 d=nose unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 6/20/1986 80(pf) multi issue=Carl Maria von Weber 200th d=Carl Maria von Weber & musical score unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 6/20/1986 80(pf) multi issue=European satellite technology d=TV-Sat & Earth unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 6/20/1986 80(pf) multi d=Franz Liszt (1986 Germany) unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 6/20/1986 80(pf) multi issue=International Peace Year d=Doves unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 6/20/1986 80(pf) multi dt=historic buildings (1986 Germany) d=Reichstag (1986) unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 6/20/1986 80(pf) multi dt=historic buildings (1986 Germany) d=Bundeshaus Bonn unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 6/20/1986 80(pf) multi dt=historic buildings (1986 Germany) d=Museum Koenig Bonn unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 8/14/1986 80(pf) multi d=Augsburg Cathedral window unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 8/14/1986 80(pf) multi issue=Frederick the Great death 200th d=Frederick the Great (1986) unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 8/14/1986 80(pf) multi issue=OECD 25th d=Opposing Arrows unwmk perf=14