desc_issuer: Germany
desc_denom: 10pf
desc_denom2: 10(pf) (# 11316)
Used by 3 overprinted stamps:
Danzig postage 1920 10pf issue=1920d ovpt=Danzig italics oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-10pf
Marshall Islands postage 1897 10pf ovpt=Marschall-Inseln oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-10pf
Marshall Islands postage 1900 10pf issue=1899 ovpt=Marshall-Inseln oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-10pf
Not used by any images.
Matches 196 types in all, showing first 100:
Germany postage 1/1/1875 10pf rose issue=1875 d=German eagle (1875 pfennige) unwmk
Germany postage 1/1880 10pf rose issue=1880 d=German eagle (1880 pfennig) unwmk
Germany postage 10/1/1889 10pf car issue=1889 d=German eagle (1889) unwmk perf=13.5x14.25
Germany postage 1/1/1900 10pf car issue=1900 d=Germania (Reichspost) unwmk perf=14x14.25
Germany postage 4/1/1902 10pf car issue=1902 d=Germania (Deutsches Reich) unwmk perf=14x14.25
Germany postage 1905 10pf car issue=1905 d=Germania (Deutsches Reich) wmk=lozenges
Germany postage 7/1/1919 10pf carrose issue=Republic d=tree wmk=lozenges
Germany postage 9/1920 10pf org issue=1920b d=Germania (Deutsches Reich) wmk=lozenges
Germany postage 5/1921 10pf dkolgrn issue=1921 d=numeral (1921) wmk=lozenges
Germany postage 1/1922 10pf dkolgrn issue=1922a d=numeral (1921) wmk=network
Germany postage 12/1/1923 10pf car d=circle network wmk=network perf=14
Germany postage 3/1924 10pf ver issue=1924 d=German eagle (1924) wmk=network perf=14
Germany postage 5/1924 10pf dkgrn issue=UPU 50th d=von Stephan & dates wmk=network perf=14
Germany postage 5/30/1925 10pf ver d=traffic wheel wmk=network perf=14
Germany postage 5/30/1925 10pf ver issue=Rhineland return d=German eagle & Rhine valley wmk=network perf=14
Germany postage 11/1/1926 10pf car issue=1926 dt=portraits (1926) d=Frederick the Great (1926) wmk=network perf=14
Germany postage 9/1/1928 10pf ver issue=1928 d=Ebert wmk=network perf=14
Germany postage 2/8/1930 10pf ltredvio issue=1928 d=Ebert wmk=network perf=14
Germany postage 5/1933 10pf brn issue=1933 d=Hindenburg (profile) wmk=network perf=14
Germany postage 2/1934 10pf brn issue=1933 swastikas d=Hindenburg (profile) wmk=swastikas perf=14
Germany postage 8/1/1941 10pf dkbrn issue=Hitler head d=Adolf Hitler (1941) unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 12/1942 10pf dkbrn issue=Hitler head d=Adolf Hitler (1941) unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 2/1946 10pf choc issue=1946 d=numeral (1946 Germany) wmk=DEUTSCHE POST perf=14
Germany postage 2/1/1948 10pf yelgrn issue=production d=sower (1947) wmk=DEUTSCHE POST perf=14
Germany postage 1948 10pf issue=1948a d=numeral (1946 Germany) ovpt=posthorn row oc=blk on=10pf-numeral (1946 Germany)
Germany postage 1948 10pf issue=1948b d=numeral (1946 Germany) ovpt=posthorn area oc=blk on=10pf-numeral (1946 Germany)
Germany postage 1948 10pf yelgrn issue=1948c d=sower (1947) ovpt=posthorn row oc=blk on=issue=production-10pf-yelgrn wmk=DEUTSCHE POST perf=14
Germany postage 1948 10pf yelgrn issue=1948d d=sower (1947) ovpt=posthorn area oc=blk on=issue=production-10pf-yelgrn wmk=DEUTSCHE POST perf=14
Germany postage 1948 10pf grn issue=1948e d=Cologne Cathedral (1948 a) wmk=D P mult perf=14
Germany airmail 11/10/1919 10pf org d=winged posthorn unwmk perf=14
Germany airmail 1/11/1924 10pf carrose d=carrier pigeon unwmk perf=14
Germany airmail 1926 10pf issue=1926 air d=eagle (1926) unwmk perf=14
Germany official 1920 10pf carrose issue=1920 official dt=numeral (1920) unwmk perf=14
Germany official 1921 10pf org issue=1920 official dt=numeral (1920) unwmk perf=14
Germany official local 1903 10pf issue=1903 official local d=FREI 21 unwmk perf=14
Germany official local 1920 10pf car issue=1920 official local dt=numeral (1920) unwmk perf=14
Germany semipostal 9/15/1939 10pf+5pf redbrn issue=1939 dt=national culture d=Distributing prizes unwmk perf=14
Germany semipostal 10/1/1960 10+5pf dt=Little Red Riding Hood unwmk perf=14
Germany semipostal 12/1948 10pf+5pf green issue=1948 Brandenburg semi dt=structure d=Brandenburg Gate (1948) wmk=D P mult perf=variable
Germany semipostal 5/15/1949 10pf+5pf green issue=1949 Bicycle tour wmk=crosses & circles perf=14
Germany semipostal 8/15/1949 10pf+5pf green issue=1949 Goethe wmk=crosses & circles perf=14
Germany semipostal 9/30/1949 10pf+2pf grn&blk issue=German stamp 100th dt=stamp on stamp d=1849 Bavarian stamp wmk=marbleized pattern perf=14
Germany semipostal 12/14/1949 10+5pf yelgrn issue=1949 welfare dt=portraits (1949 Germany) d=Paracelsus wmk=D P mult perf=14
Germany official 1923 10pf car d=circle network ovpt=Dienstmarke oc=blk on=12/1/1923-10pf wmk=network perf=14
Germany semipostal 5/1/1919 10pf+5pf car d=Germania (Deutsches Reich) ovpt=5 Pf.//fur Kriegs-//beschadigte oc=blk on=1905-10pf wmk=lozenges
Germany official 1927 10pf car issue=1927 official d=numeral in oval (1927) wmk=lozenges perf=14
Germany official 1929 10pf ver issue=1927 official d=numeral in oval (1927) wmk=lozenges perf=14
Germany official 1930 10pf redvio issue=1927 official d=numeral in oval (1927) wmk=lozenges perf=14
Germany official 1933 10pf choc issue=1927 official d=numeral in oval (1927) wmk=lozenges perf=14
Germany official 1/18/1934 10pf choc issue=1934 official d=swastika wmk=swastikas
Germany official 1942 10pf choc issue=1942 official d=swastika unwmk perf=14x14.25
Germany semipostal 7/28/1950 10+2pf dkgrn issue=Bach death 200th d=Johann Sebastian Bach seal wmk=D P mult
Germany semipostal 8/30/1951 10+5pf grn issue=Marienkirche 700th d=Marienkirche frescoes wmk=D P mult
Germany semipostal 9/14/1951 10+2pf grn&multi issue=National Philatelic Exhibition 1951 d=stamps magnified wmk=DBP
Germany semipostal 10/23/1951 10+3pf grn issue=charity 1951 dt=portraits (1951 Germany) d=Friedrich von Bodelschwingh wmk=DBP
Germany semipostal 8/9/1952 10+5pf grn issue=German National Museum 100th d=Nuremberg Madonna wmk=DBP
Germany semipostal 9/17/1952 10+2pf grn issue=youth 1952 d=hiking boys & hostel wmk=DBP
Germany semipostal 10/1/1952 10+5pf grn issue=welfare 1951 d=Sonnenschein wmk=DBP
Germany semipostal 5/7/1953 10+5pf dpgrn issue=German Museum 50th d=owl & cogwheel emblem wmk=DBP
Germany semipostal 7/29/1953 10+2pf multi issue=International Stamp Exhibition 1953 d=Thurn & Taxis palace gate
Germany semipostal 11/2/1953 10+5pf blgrn issue=welfare 1953 d=Sebastian Kneipp (1953) wmk=DBP
Germany semipostal 3/11/1944 10+5pf purbrn issue=Hero Memorial Day 1944 d=searchlight unwmk perf=14
Germany semipostal 12/15/1925 10+10pf issue=1925 arms d=arms of Bavaria (1925) wmk=network
Germany semipostal 12/1/1926 10+10pf issue=1926 arms wmk=network
Germany semipostal 12/1/1926 10+10pf issue=1926 arms wmk=network
Germany semipostal 11/29/1933 10+30pf issue=charity 10th wmk=swastikas
Germany airmail 1/21/1934 10pf brtcar issue=1934 air wmk=swastikas
Germany newspaper 11/1/1939 10pf redbrn issue=1939 newspaper d=newsboy running over globe wmk=swastikas
Germany postage 4/22/1949 10(pf) dkblgrn d=Wedigh wmk=crosses & circles perf=14
Germany postage 9/7/1949 10(pf) blgrn issue=reconstruction wmk=D P mult perf=14
Germany postage 6/20/1951 10(pf) grn issue=posthorn d=posthorn (1951) perf=14
Germany postage 7/25/1952 10(pf) grn d=Martin Luther (1952) perf=14
Germany postage 10/25/1952 10(pf) multi issue=Thurn&Taxis stamp 100th perf=14
Germany postage 5/8/1953 10(pf) olgrn&red issue=Dunant 125th d=red cross on compass points perf=14
Germany postage 5/9/1953 10(pf) gray d=POW memorial unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 6/20/1953 10(pf) dpgrn issue=Transportation&Communication Exhibition d=carrier pigeon & planes perf=14
Germany postage 1/31/1954 10(pf) grn issue=1954 Heuss d=Theodor Heuss perf=14
Germany postage 3/13/1954 10(pf) dkgrn issue=Ehrlich & Behring 100th d=Paul Ehrlich & Emil von Behring perf=14
Germany postage 2/23/1955 10(pf) slgrn issue=Gauss death 100th d=C.F. Gauss perf=14
Germany postage 5/7/1955 10(pf) grn issue=100th birthday of Oskar von Miller d=Oskar von Miller wmk=DBP & rosettes perf=14
Germany postage 6/15/1955 10(pf) multi d=Baden-Wurttemburg arms perf=14
Germany postage 10/22/1955 10(pf) dkgrn issue=Stifter 150th d=Stifter memorial at the Plönkenstein lake Bohemian forest wmk=DBP & rosettes perf=14
Germany postage 10/24/1955 10(pf) grn&red issue=UN 10th d=UN emblem (1955) unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 1/27/1956 10(pf) dlvio issue=Mozart 200th d=Note handwriting of Mozart clavichord unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 2/17/1956 10(pf) olgrn&blk issue=Heine death 100th d=Head silhouette of Heinrich Heine 1797-1856 perf=14
Germany postage 6/9/1956 10(pf) slgrn d=Olympic rings wmk=DBP & rosettes perf=14
Germany postage 7/28/1956 10(pf) multi issue=Schumann death 100th d=Silhouette of Robert Schumann 1810-1856 original notes unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 8/8/1956 10(pf) dkgrn issue=Evangelical Church Day 1956 wmk=DBP & rosettes perf=14
Germany postage 8/29/1956 10(pf) graygrn&redbrn issue=77th Catholics meeting d=Plan of Cologne Cathedral oath hand wmk=DBP & rosettes perf=14
Germany postage 9/15/1956 10(pf) grn issue=Europa 1956 d=Europa scaffolding wmk=DBP & rosettes perf=14
Germany postage 10/27/1956 10(pf) slgrn issue=Stamp Day 1956 d=Pigeon with letter in beak wmk=DBP & rosettes perf=14
Germany postage 11/17/1956 10(pf) sl d=cemetery crosses wmk=DBP & rosettes perf=14
Germany postage 2/22/1957 10(pf) graygrn&blk issue=Heinrich Hertz 100th d=Heinrich Hertz wmk=DBP & rosettes perf=14
Germany postage 6/24/1957 10(pf) multi issue=Freiburg University 500th wmk=DBP & rosettes perf=14
Germany postage 7/3/1957 10(pf) dkgrn issue=Justus Liebig School 350th d=Justus Liebig School wmk=DBP & rosettes perf=14
Germany postage 8/23/1957 10(pf) d=television screen wmk=DBP & rosettes perf=14
Germany postage 9/16/1957 10(pf) dkgrn<bl issue=Europa 1957 d=white tree with roots unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 9/17/1957 10(pf) d=Europa tree with roots wmk=DBP & rosettes perf=14
Germany postage 10/4/1957 10(pf) multi issue=wildlife protection d=water lily wmk=DBP & rosettes perf=14
Germany postage 11/16/1957 10(pf) grn&ol issue=Wurttemberg Landtag 500th d=Facade of the countryside house in Stuttgart wmk=DBP & rosettes perf=14