desc_issuer: Germany
desc_denom: 25pf
desc_denom2: 25(pf) (# 11309)
Used by 4 overprinted stamps:
Danzig postage 1920 25pf issue=1920d ovpt=Danzig italics oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-25pf
Marshall Islands postage 1897 25pf ovpt=Marschall-Inseln oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-25pf
Marshall Islands postage 1899 25pf issue=1899 ovpt=Marshall-Inseln oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-25pf
Poland postage 8/5/1919 10pf issue=Poznan 1 oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-25pf
Not used by any images.
Matches 90 types:
Germany postage 1/1/1875 25pf redbrn issue=1875 d=German eagle (1875 pfennige) unwmk
Germany postage 1/1880 25pf orgbrn issue=1880 d=German eagle (1880 pfennig) unwmk
Germany postage 1883 25pf redbrn issue=1880 d=German eagle (1880 pfennig) unwmk
Germany postage 1890 25pf org issue=1889 d=German eagle (1889) unwmk perf=13.5x14.25
Germany postage 1/1/1900 25pf org&blk pc=yel issue=1900 d=Germania (Reichspost) unwmk perf=14x14.25
Germany postage 4/1/1902 25pf org&blk pc=yel issue=1902 d=Germania (Deutsches Reich) unwmk perf=14x14.25
Germany postage 1905 25pf org&blk pc=yel issue=1905 d=Germania (Deutsches Reich) wmk=lozenges
Germany postage 7/1/1919 25pf grn&red issue=Republic d=bricklayer (1919) wmk=lozenges
Germany postage 5/1921 25pf brn issue=1921 d=numeral (1921) wmk=lozenges
Germany postage 1/1922 25pf brn issue=1922a d=numeral (1921) wmk=network
Germany postage 11/1/1926 25pf bl issue=1926 dt=portraits (1926) d=Goethe wmk=network perf=14
Germany postage 10/10/1927 25pf d=IAA wmk=network perf=14
Germany postage 9/1/1928 25pf bl issue=1928 d=Hindenburg (face) wmk=network perf=14
Germany postage 10/1/1932 25pf dpultra d=Hindenburg (profile) wmk=network perf=14
Germany postage 4/12/1933 25pf dpultra d=Frederick the Great (1933) wmk=network perf=14
Germany postage 4/1934 25pf ultra issue=1933 swastikas d=Hindenburg (profile) wmk=swastikas perf=14
Germany postage 6/30/1934 25pf brtbl&viobrn issue=colonial empire 50th d=Hermann von Wissmann wmk=swastikas perf=14
Germany postage 9/4/1934 25pf blk&ultra issue=Hindenburg memorial wmk=swastikas perf=14
Germany postage 1/16/1935 25pf bl d=Germania welcoming Saar wmk=swastikas perf=14
Germany postage 6/21/1935 25pf dkbl issue=music festival d=Handel wmk=swastikas perf=14
Germany semipostal 6/23/1935 25pf issue=philatelic exhibition OSTROPA wmk=cross perf=14
Germany postage 7/10/1935 25pf dkultra issue=German railroad 100th d=Flying Hamburg wmk=swastikas perf=14
Germany postage 6/3/1936 25pf ultra issue=community service wmk=swastikas perf=14
Germany postage 3/3/1940 25pf bl issue=Leipzig spring fair 1940 d=fairgrounds unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 3/1/1941 25pf brtbl issue=Leipzig spring fair 1941 d=railroad station unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 3/8/1941 25pf brtbl issue=Vienna spring fair d=Prince Eugene monument unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 8/1/1941 25pf viobl issue=Hitler head d=Adolf Hitler (1941) unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 2/1946 25pf brtultra issue=1946 d=numeral (1946 Germany) wmk=DEUTSCHE POST perf=14
Germany postage 5/1946 25pf orgyel issue=1946 d=numeral (1946 Germany) wmk=DEUTSCHE POST perf=14
Germany postage 3/7/1947 25pf orgyel issue=production d=planter wmk=DEUTSCHE POST perf=14
Germany postage 1948 25pf brtultra issue=1948a d=numeral (1946 Germany) ovpt=posthorn row oc=blk on=1946-25pf-brtultra-numeral (1946 Germany) wmk=DEUTSCHE POST perf=14
Germany postage 1948 25pf orgyel issue=1948a d=numeral (1946 Germany) ovpt=posthorn row oc=blk on=25pf-orgyel-numeral (1946 Germany)
Germany postage 1948 25pf brtultra issue=1948b d=numeral (1946 Germany) ovpt=posthorn area oc=blk on=25pf-brtultra-numeral (1946 Germany)
Germany postage 1948 25pf orgyel issue=1948b d=numeral (1946 Germany) ovpt=posthorn area oc=blk on=25pf-orgyel-numeral (1946 Germany)
Germany postage 1948 25pf orgyel issue=1948c d=planter ovpt=posthorn row oc=blk on=issue=production-25pf-orgyel wmk=DEUTSCHE POST perf=14
Germany postage 1948 25pf orgyel issue=1948d d=planter ovpt=posthorn area oc=blk on=issue=production-25pf-orgyel wmk=DEUTSCHE POST perf=14
Germany postage 1948 25pf ver issue=1948e d=Cologne Cathedral (1948 a) wmk=D P mult perf=14
Germany airmail 1922 25pf dkbrn issue=1922 air d=carrier pigeon unwmk perf=14
Germany official local 1903 25pf issue=1903 official local d=FREI 21 unwmk perf=14
Germany semipostal 2/17/1939 25pf+10pf bl issue=Auto Exhibition d=KdF-Wagen unwmk perf=14
Germany semipostal 5/18/1939 25pf+10pf bl issue=Nurburgring races d=KdF-Wagen ovpt=Nuerburgring-Rennen oc=blk on=25pf+10pf-modern auto unwmk perf=14
Germany semipostal 6/18/1939 25pf+50pf ultra issue=German Derby 70th unwmk perf=14
Germany semipostal 9/15/1939 25pf+15pf viobl issue=1939 dt=national culture d=Sanatorium Konigstein unwmk perf=14
Germany semipostal 11/1939 25pf+15pf ultra issue=Winterhilf 1939 dt=buildings (1939) d=Salzburg Fortress unwmk perf=14
Germany semipostal 9/9/1941 25+50pf ultra issue=Berlin races d=Brandenburg Gate (1941) unwmk perf=14
Germany semipostal 6/20/1941 25+100pf saph issue=Blue Ribbon race 1941 d=head of racehorse unwmk perf=14
Germany semipostal 9/26/1927 25pf dpbl issue=Hindenburg 80th d=Hindenburg (1927) wmk=network
Germany semipostal 11/15/1928 25pf(+25pf) dkgrn&yel&red issue=arms 1928 d=Brunswick arms wmk=network perf=14x14.25
Germany semipostal 11/4/1929 25pf+10pf multi issue=arms 1929 d=Mecklenburg-Strelitz arms wmk=network
Germany semipostal 9/12/1930 25pf+10pf issue=International Philatelic Exhibition 1930 dt=buildings (1930) d=Castle & Cathedral Marienwerder wmk=eagle
Germany semipostal 11/1/1930 25pf+10pf issue=Philatelic Exhibition types with network watermark wmk=network
Germany semipostal 11/1/1931 25pf+10pf issue=semipostal 1931 dt=landmarks (1931) d=Heidelberg Castle (1931) wmk=network
Germany semipostal 11/1/1932 25+10pf issue=semipostal 1932 dt=landmarks (1932) d=Lichtenstein Castle wmk=network
Germany semipostal 11/1/1933 25+15pf ultra dt=Wagner opera scenes d=Lohengrin wmk=swastikas perf=14x13
Germany semipostal 11/5/1934 25+15pf dt=occupations (1934) d=Sculptor wmk=swastikas perf=13x13.75
Germany semipostal 6/22/1940 25+100pf ultra issue=Blue Ribbon race 1940 d=horseman on leaping horse wmk=4 perf=14
Germany semipostal 11/5/1940 25+15pf ultra issue=Winterhilfswerk 1940 dt=buildings (1940) d=Bremen City Hall (1940) unwmk
Germany semipostal 11/26/1940 25+10pf ultra issue=diptheria antitoxin discovery 50th d=Emil von Behring (1940) unwmk
Germany semipostal 10/4/1935 25+15pf ultra issue=1935 costumes dt=costumes (1935) d=woman of Upper Bavaria wmk=swastikas perf=14
Germany semipostal 11/25/1935 25+15pf ultra issue=Winter Olympics 1936 dt=winter sports (1935) d=bobsled (1935) wmk=swastikas perf=14
Germany semipostal 5/8/1936 25+15pf ultra issue=Olympics 1936 dt=sports (1935) wmk=swastikas perf=14
Germany semipostal 9/21/1936 25+15pf ind issue=Winterhilfswerk 1936 dt=highways & views d=Mangfall Motorway Bridge wmk=swastikas perf=14
Germany semipostal 11/4/1937 25+15pf ultra issue=Winterhilfswerk 1937 dt=ships (1937 Germany) d=SS Hamburg wmk=swastikas perf=14
Germany semipostal 11/18/1938 25+15pf dkbl issue=Winterhilfswerk 1938 dt=flowers & Austria scenes d=Burg Hasegg - gentian wmk=swastikas perf=14
Germany semipostal 9/29/1941 25+15pf dkbl issue=Styria & Carinthia annexation d=Triglav unwmk perf=14
Germany semipostal 6/16/1942 25+100pf dkbl issue=Blue Ribbon 1942 d=racehorse unwmk
Germany semipostal 3/21/1943 25+15pf issue=Hero Memorial Day d=Stuka Junkers Ju 87 unwmk perf=14
Germany semipostal 3/11/1944 25+15pf viobl issue=Hero Memorial Day 1944 d=Smoke Mortar unwmk perf=14
Germany semipostal 12/1/1926 25+25pf issue=1926 arms wmk=network
Germany airmail 1/21/1934 25pf brn issue=1934 air wmk=swastikas
Germany airmail 1/1/1938 25pf dkbl issue=Ferdinand Zeppelin 100th wmk=swastikas
Germany postage 9/20/1951 25(pf) dkredbrn issue=posthorn d=posthorn (1951) perf=14
Germany postage 1/31/1954 25(pf) redbrn issue=1954 Heuss d=Theodor Heuss perf=14
Germany postage 9/8/1959 25(pf) brn dt=German composers (1959) d=Joseph Haydn (1959 Germany) wmk=DBP & rosettes perf=14
Germany postage 10/7/1961 25(pf) brnorg issue=1961 dt=famous Germans d=Balthasar Neumann wmk=DBP & rosettes perf=14
Germany postage 8/21/1971 25(pf) yelgrn issue=1970 d=Heinemann unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 9/10/1971 25(pf) grn issue=1971b dt=accident prevention d=Drinking & driving unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 1/20/1972 25(pf) brtgrn&blk issue=Loehe death 100th unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 4/14/1972 25(pf) multi issue=175 Years of Offset Lithography d=Lithographic press of Alois Senefelder 1771-1834 inventor unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 5/2/1972 25(pf) yelgrn&multi issue=Europa 1972 dt=Europa stars d=Europa stars unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 5/18/1972 25(pf) multi issue=Cranach 500th d=Lucas Cranach unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 6/5/1973 25(pf) multi issue=Environment Day unwmk perf=14
Germany postage 1/11/1979 25(pf) issue=1977 dt=castles (1977 Germany) d=Burg Gemen unwmk perf=14
Germany semipostal 10/5/1971 25+10(pf) multi issue=welfare 1971 dt=wooden toys d=horse & rider unwmk perf=14
Germany semipostal 2/6/1973 25+10(pf) multi issue=Youth 1973 dt=birds (1973 Germany) d=Fischadler unwmk
Germany semipostal 4/17/1974 25+10(pf) multi issue=Youth 1974 dt=youth activities d=bricklayer (1974) unwmk
Germany semipostal 2/4/1972 25+10(pf) multi issue=Youth 1972 dt=animal protection d=Boy in the forest as a troublemaker unwmk
Germany semipostal 10/5/1972 25+10(pf) multi issue=welfare 1972 dt=chess pieces (1972) d=chess knight unwmk
Germany semipostal 6/5/1972 25+10(pf) grn&multi issue=Olympics 1972 x unwmk
Germany semipostal 10/5/1973 25+10(pf) multi issue=welfare 1973 dt=musical instruments (1973 Germany) d=French horn (1973) unwmk