Stampdesc Mexico, 1931

desc_issuer: Mexico
desc_year: 1931

Related descs: issuer=Mexico-1930-10c-vio-arms of Mexico & airplane issuer=Mexico-1932

Not used by any overprinted stamps.

Used by 16 (6 visible) images: See images as array

Matches 13 types:
Mexico postage 1931 2c red issue=1931 d=medal ovpt=HABILITADO//1931 oc=blk on=1926-2c-red wmk=CORREOS MEXICO perf=12
Mexico postage 1931 4c grn issue=1931 d=map of Americas (1926) ovpt=HABILITADO//1931 oc=blk on=1926-4c-grn wmk=CORREOS MEXICO perf=12
Mexico postage 1931 5c org issue=1931 d=medal ovpt=HABILITADO//1931 oc=blk on=1926-5c-org wmk=CORREOS MEXICO perf=12
Mexico postage 1931 10c brnred issue=1931 d=map of Americas (1926) ovpt=HABILITADO//1931 oc=blk on=1926-10c-brnred wmk=CORREOS MEXICO perf=12
Mexico postage 1931 20c dkbl issue=1931 d=Garcia y Santos ovpt=HABILITADO//1931 oc=blk on=1926-20c-dkbl wmk=CORREOS MEXICO perf=12
Mexico postage 1931 30c dkgrn issue=1931 d=Garcia y Santos ovpt=HABILITADO//1931 oc=blk on=1926-30c-dkgrn wmk=CORREOS MEXICO perf=12
Mexico postage 1931 40c vio issue=1931 d=Garcia y Santos ovpt=HABILITADO//1931 oc=blk on=1926-40c-vio wmk=CORREOS MEXICO perf=12
Mexico postage 1931 1p brn&bl issue=1931 d=post office (1926) ovpt=HABILITADO//1931 oc=blk on=1926-1p-brn&bl wmk=CORREOS MEXICO perf=12
Mexico postage 5/1/1931 10c bl&brn issue=Puebla 400th wmk=CORREOS MEXICO perf=12.5
Mexico airmail 1931 15c brnol d=arms of Mexico & airplane oc=blk on=issue=1929 air-20c wmk=MEX & eagle
Mexico airmail 1931 15c brnol d=arms of Mexico & airplane oc=blk on=issue=1930 air-20c wmk=MEX & eagle perf=roul
Mexico airmail 5/15/1931 25c d=plane over airfield wmk=MEX & eagle
Mexico airmail official 9/1/1931 15c gray d=++on=20c wmk=CORREOS MEXICO perf=12.5