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Stamps of Grenada - Grenada Grenadines, 1993

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1993, Jan 20 Dogs of the World issue unwmk p. 14 (10 stamps)
- 35c multi Irish Setter Glendalough Ireland
- 50c multi Boston terrier
- 75c multi beagle Temple to Athena Greece
- $1 multi Weimaraner Nesselwang Germany
- $3 multi Norwegian Elkhound Urnes Stave Church Norway
- $4 multi Mastiff & The Great Sphinx Egypt
- $5 multi Canis familiaris
- $5 multi Canis familiaris
- $6 multi Akita Kyoto torii Japan
- $6 multi Saluki Rubal Khali Saudi Arabia

1993, Mar 8 200th Anniversary of the Louvre issue p. 12.25 (9 stamps)
- $1 multi "Madonna and Child with the young John t
- $1 multi "The Buffet" - Chardin
- $1 multi "Return from Market" - Chardin
- $1 multi "Erasmus" - Durer
- $1 multi "Self-portrait with Eryngium" - Durer
- $1 multi "Jeanne of Aragon" - Raphael
- $1 multi "La Belle Jardiniere" - detail, Raphael
- $1 multi "La Belle Jardiniere" - different detail
- $6 multi "King Charles I Hunting" - Van Dyck

1993, Apr 13 Butterflies 1993 issue - butterflies (1993 Grenada Grenadines) p. 14 (10 stamps)
- 15c multi Battus polydamus .20
- 35c multi Astraptes talus .20
- 45c multi Pseudolycaena marsyas
- 75c multi Siproeta stelenes
- $1 multi Phoebis sennae
- $2 multi Dione juno
- $4 multi Chlorostrymon simaethis
- $5 multi Urbanus proteus
- $6 multi Historis odius
- $6 multi Heliconius charithonia

1993, May 17 Flowers 1993 issue - flowers (1993 Grenada Grenadines) (10 stamps)
- 35c multi Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
- 35c multi Aquilegia caerulea
- 45c multi Alpinia purpurata
- 75c multi Bougainvillea sp.
- $1 multi Crown Imperial Fritillaria imperialis
- $2 multi Pleione formosa
- $4 multi Heliconia latispatha
- $5 multi Tulipa tarda
- $6 multi Belamcanda chinensis
- $6 multi Platycodon grandiflorus

1993, Jun 2 40th Anniversary of Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II issue p. 13.75 (5 stamps)
- 35c multi Official coronation photography .20 .20
- 50c multi ampulla & spoon
- $2 multi Queen following coronation
- $4 multi Queen Prince Charles & his family 1984
- $6 multi

1993, Jul 1 80th Anniversary of the Birth of Willy Brandt issue p. 14
- 75c multi Willy Brandt and Lyndon Johnson, 1961
- $5 multi Willy Brandt and Eleanor Hulles, 1957
- $6 multi Willy and Rut Brandt

1993, Jul 1 450th Anniversary of the Death of Copernicus issue
- 50c multi
- $4 multi
- $5 multi
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