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  • Colnect-4263-013-Peace-Dove.jpg
  • Colnect-143-050-Dove-of-Peace-by-Daragn%C3%A8s.jpg
  • Colnect-143-615-Peace-Conference-in-Paris.jpg
  • Colnect-2824-859-Dove.jpg
  • Colnect-4447-525-World-peace.jpg
  • Colnect-5114-805-Dove-by-Pablo-Picasso.jpg
  • Colnect-1975-398-Dove.jpg
  • Colnect-3428-956-Hammarskjold---Dove-of-Peace.jpg
  • Stamp_CA_1973_8c_Xmas.jpg
  • Colnect-4175-261-Dove.jpg
  • Colnect-138-768-Peace-bird.jpg
  • Colnect-1386-553-Dove.jpg
  • Colnect-3591-378-Peace-Dove.jpg
  • Colnect-3144-604-Voluntary-Service.jpg
  • Colnect-200-339-Blue-Dove-Carrying-Olive-Branch.jpg
  • IL012.12.jpg
  • Colnect-613-727-XXV-Anniversary-of-national-uprising.jpg
  • DDR_1962_Michel_888.JPG
  • Colnect-1520-699-Child-and-dove.jpg
  • Colnect-766-562-Diet-Building-and-Doves.jpg
  • Colnect-2413-232-Mahatma-Ghandi.jpg
  • Colnect-1454-419-Barbed-wire-as-Dove.jpg
  • Colnect-139-562-Peace-dove-on-a-broken-sword.jpg
  • Colnect-998-294-Peace-dove-surround-by-flags-of-socialist-countries.jpg
  • Colnect-602-910-Dove-and-daisies.jpg
  • Colnect-2097-515-Dove-and-Globe.jpg
  • Colnect-2323-013-Dove-and-Flag.jpg
  • Colnect-1536-884-Dove-and-Globe.jpg
  • Colnect-5109-698-Happy-New-Year.jpg
  • Stamp_of_Germany_%28DDR%29_1958_MiNr_618.JPG
  • Colnect-121-440-Peace.jpg
  • Colnect-676-491-Dove-and-Letter.jpg
  • NG001.02.jpg
  • Colnect-2579-419-Cyprus-operation.jpg
  • Colnect-130-866-Dove-on-Map.jpg
  • Colnect-5060-004-Dove---Map.jpg
  • Colnect-946-266-Dove-and-Netherlands-Antilles-flag.jpg
  • Colnect-946-265-Dove-and-Netherlands-flag.jpg
  • Colnect-123-299-Dove-and-Norman-Settler.jpg
  • Colnect-4487-196-Dove.jpg
  • AF003.02.jpg
  • Colnect-4058-733-25th-Anniversary-of-the-United-States-Peace-Corps.jpg
  • Colnect-3221-523-Nature-Care.jpg
  • Colnect-4003-484-50th-Intl-Peace-Marathon-Kosice-Oct-4.jpg
  • Colnect-581-859-Year-of-Historical-Memory.jpg
  • Colnect-174-291-20-Years-Cyprus-Philatelic-Society.jpg
  • Colnect-1398-797-Symbols-of-freedom-in-front-of-globe.jpg
  • Colnect-4449-338-Dove-and-Earth.jpg
  • Colnect-130-328-Dove-and-UN-Emblem.jpg
  • Colnect-1133-160-United-Nations-Day.jpg
  • Colnect-4509-480-Dove-and-World-Map.jpg
  • Colnect-128-457-Intnl-Women-s-Year.jpg
  • Colnect-171-509-Dove-carries-a-stamp-sun-and-moon.jpg
  • Colnect-1572-939-Dove-delivers-Letter.jpg
  • BM028.02.jpg
  • Colnect-5369-891-Wedding-Dove.jpg
  • BM027.02.jpg
  • Colnect-1319-408-Dove-flying-over-map-of-Africa.jpg
  • FR067.08.jpg
  • Colnect-177-675-National-Reconciliation---Peace-dove.jpg
  • Colnect-6293-943-20th-Anniversary-of-the-Organization-of-African-Unity.jpg
  • Colnect-4133-652-Dove-of-peace-on-a-globe.jpg
  • Colnect-5684-959-Hammer-and-sickle-with-peace-dove.jpg
  • Colnect-4398-522-Handle-bars-of-a-racing-cycle---peace-dove.jpg
  • Colnect-184-324-CEPT--Letter---E--.jpg
  • Colnect-785-497-Dove-over-Globe.jpg
  • Colnect-2414-100-Map-of-Transjordan-Torch-Peacedove.jpg
  • Colnect-5202-402-Silesian-metallurgical-plants-dove-of-peace.jpg
  • STS-Upper-Silesia-1-300dpi.jpg-crop-310x255at199-1406.jpg
  • Colnect-775-258-Picasso-Dove.jpg
  • Colnect-2273-221-Doves.jpg
  • STS-Bangladesh-1-300dpi.jpg-crop-362x506at1259-1718.jpg
  • Colnect-4068-446-Doves.jpg
  • Colnect-1695-910-Doves.jpg
  • Colnect-1973-680-Doves-with-Olive-Branch.jpg
  • Colnect-3091-574-Doves.jpg
  • Colnect-121-571-Doves-and-Emblem.jpg
  • Colnect-740-223-80th-Anniv-Diet-Building-and-Doves.jpg
  • Colnect-823-849-ICY-Emblem--amp--Doves-.jpg
  • Colnect-121-570-Doves-and-Emblem-4d.jpg
  • Colnect-705-636-Freedom-and-Socialism-20th-anniv.jpg
  • Colnect-1995-424-Girl-Embracing-Dove.jpg
  • Colnect-4203-261-Child--amp--peace-dove-in-front-of-globe.jpg
  • GDR-stamp_V%25C3%25B6lkerkongre%25C3%259F_1952_Mi._320.JPG
  • DZ028.02.jpg
  • Colnect-1630-712-Man-with-dove.jpg
  • Deutsche_Post_-_1_Mark.jpg
  • Colnect-2205-735-Hands-holding-dove.jpg
  • DR_1936_622_Weltkongress_Freizeit_und_Erholung.jpg
  • Colnect-3184-548-Map.jpg
  • Colnect-1495-529-Map-of-Europe-Peace-Dove.jpg
(plus 37 more images)
Name: dove
Type: bird

Appearing in designs:
angel & flag & doves Spain 7/10/1961 70c issue=national uprising 25th
Berlin city hall & dove & cyclist German Democratic Republic 4/26/1962 25pf issue=15th Peace Race
child & dove India 11/14/1966 15p issue=Children's Day 1966
Diet Building and doves Japan 11/29/1980 50y issue=Japanese Diet 90th
dove (5 stamps, New Zealand & 3 others, 1947-2022)
dove & AR-15s & Mahatma Gandhi Grenada 9/15/1986 60c
dove & barbed wire Bulgaria 7/17/1987 13st issue=Namibia Day 1987
dove & broken sword (5 stamps of Switzerland, 1932)
dove & colors of socialist countries Hungary 11/7/1957 60f issue=Russian revolution 40th
dove & daisies Spain 12/22/1950 25c issue=Pro-tuberculosis
dove & emblem Afghanistan 10/24/1951 35p issue=UN Day
dove & German colors Bolivia 10/19/1990 2b issue=German reunification
dove & globe (5 stamps, Canada & Philippines, 1950-1986, 1 is ovpt)
dove & globe & flowers Russia 12/22/1962 4k
dove & globe 1958 (2 stamps of German Democratic Republic, 1958)
dove & King George VI (2 stamps, Great Britain & British offices in Tangier, 1946, 1 is ovpt)
dove & letter (15 stamps, Bulgaria & Hungary, 1946-1959)
dove & light beams over map Nigeria 2/8/2002 20.00n issue=New Millennium Serial 2
dove & map of Cyprus Turkey 8/26/1974 250k issue=Turkish Intervention in Cyprus
dove & map of Malta Malta 12/12/1984 3c issue=10th Anniversary of The Republic of Malta
dove & map of Ryukyus (3 stamps of Ryukyu Islands, 1950)
dove & Netherlands Antilles flag Netherlands Antilles 12/6/1979 1.50g issue=constitution 25th
dove & Netherlands flag Netherlands Antilles 12/6/1979 65c issue=constitution 25th
dove & Norman Settler Great Britain 4/6/1999 20p issue=Millennium Series 4 - The Settlers' Tale
dove & olive branch (4 stamps of Japan, 1919)
dove & people in map Afghanistan 7/18/2002 11000af
dove & rainbow Tuvalu 5/22/1986 50c issue=Peace Corps 25th
dove & rainbow over island French Polynesia 10/5/1978 23fr
dove & runners Czechoslovakia 1/29/1980 50h
dove & Spanish flag Spain 11/30/2006 0,29€ issue=2006. Year of historical memory
dove & stamp album Cyprus 10/1/1979 25m issue=events 1979
dove & torch Bahrain 10/2/1971 30f issue=Independence Day 1971
dove & trajectory Poland 8/24/1961 60g issue=2nd manned space flight
dove & UN emblem (3 stamps of Malta, 1964)
dove & UN emblem & Flag of Tunisia Tunisia 10/24/1962 20m issue=UN Day 1962
dove & world map Chile 10/22/1970 3e issue=UN 25th
dove (1934) France 2/20/1934 1.50fr
dove (1946) (2 stamps, France & Korea, 1946)
dove (1948) Korea 9/1948 4wn
dove (1950) (3 stamps of China, PRC, 1950)
dove (1953) Czechoslovakia 1/17/1953 1.50k issue=2nd Peace Congress
dove (1968) German Democratic Republic 5/8/1968 25pf issue=International Human Rights Year
dove (1971) Zambia 9/18/1971 15n issue=Dag Hammarskjold death 10th
dove (1973) Canada 11/7/1973 8c issue=Christmas 1973
dove (1976) Bulgaria 3/1/1976 2s issue=11th Congress of the Bulgarian Communist Party
dove (1980) UN offices in Vienna 1/11/1980 2.50s
dove (1985) (2 stamps, Bulgaria & Ghana, 1985)
dove (1986) (2 stamps, New Zealand & Aruba, 1986)
dove (1993) Fiji 2/22/1993 59c issue=Peace Corps in Fiji 25th
dove (1994) (2 stamps of United States, 1994)
dove (2012) Israel 3/20/2012 3.00s issue=20 Years of Diplomatic Relations Israel-China
dove above hands (2 stamps of Ireland, 1975)
dove carries a stamp sun & moon Italy 12/3/1967 25l issue=Stamp Day 1967
dove delivering message to woman (11 stamps of Bulgaria, 1931-1938)
dove facing left (2002) Bermuda 11/7/2002 70c issue=World Peace dt=doves (2002)
dove facing left (2006) United States 3/1/2006 39 issue=Wedding Doves dt=doves (2006)
dove facing right (2 stamps, Bermuda & United States, 2002-2006)
dove flying over map of Africa (3 stamps of Ghana, 1962)
dove holding laurel (2 stamps of France, 2008)
dove holding ribbon Greece 5/11/1990 70d issue=national reconciliation
dove in map of Africa Tunisia 5/25/1983 230m issue=20th Anniversary of OAU
dove on globe (2 stamps of Poland, 1950)
dove on hammer & sickle Yugoslavia 3/11/1969 50p issue=Yugoslav Federation 50th
dove on handlebars Romania 5/29/1957 20b issue=10th Peace Race
dove over E (13 stamps, France & 5 others, 1958)
dove over globe (3 stamps of China, PRC, 1958-1959)
dove over map (9 stamps of Jordan, 1946)
dove over mines larger (19 stamps of Upper Silesia, 1920-1922, 8 are ovpts, 3 unissued)
dove over mines smaller (15 stamps of Upper Silesia, 1920-1921, 6 are ovpts)
dove triangle (3 stamps of China, PRC, 1951)
doves & CEPT emblem & QEII Great Britain 9/18/1961 10d issue=CEPT 2nd
doves & Diet Building Japan 11/29/1970 15y issue=Japanese Diet 80th
doves & ICY emblem Japan 6/26/1965 10y issue=ICY
doves & QEII & CEPT emblem Great Britain 9/18/1961 4d issue=CEPT 2nd
doves (1951) (6 stamps of Indonesia, 1951)
doves (1972) (3 stamps of Bangladesh, 1972)
doves (1974) Bulgaria 10/29/1974 13s issue=Conference on European Security and Cooperation
doves (1975) (2 stamps of Bulgaria, 1975)
doves (1980) Cook Islands 5/27/1980 30c issue=Rotary 75th
doves (1993) Cocos (Keeling) Islands 10/24/1993 40c issue=Festive Season 1993
fist & dove Hungary 9/1/1978 1fo issue=Peace & Socialism publication 20th
girl Embracing dove Poland 11/21/1980 8.40z
globe & child & dove & flowers Romania 6/1/1954 55b issue=Children's Day 1954
globe & dove & St Stephen's Cathedral (2 stamps of German Democratic Republic, 1952)
hand holding dove & rainbow Algeria 11/16/2002 24d issue=International Day for Tolerance
hand releasing dove Cuba 7/26/1961 2c
hands & dove (1947) (11 stamps, Germany & Berlin, 1947-1949, 7 are ovpts)
Hands holding dove Netherlands Antilles 12/1/1994 30c issue=Christmas 1994
man & woman & dove (2 stamps of Germany, 1936)
map of Balkans & dove Bulgaria 7/23/1965 1s issue=Balkanphila 1965
map of Europe Peace dove Albania 7/10/1992 1.2L issue="Europe towards"
nurse holding dove Czechoslovakia 5/26/1960 30h issue=x
ornaments dove El Salvador 12/19/1984 70c issue=Christmas 1984
Peace Bridge & dove United States 8/4/1977 13c issue=Peace Bridge 50th
Peace demonstrator holding dove Hungary 11/23/1950 60f issue=peace
pinwheel & dove Columba sp Curacao 8/7/2014 400c issue=PhilaKorea 2014
Post horn dove Tanzania 10/23/1981 5sh issue=postal administrations conference
releasing a dove (2 stamps of Spanish Sahara, 1963)
soldier & dove Poland 5/9/1974 1.50z issue=victory 29th
soldiers & dove India 10/24/2004 5r issue=Indian soldiers peacekeeping
Stalin holding dove Bulgaria 12/21/1949 40l issue=Stalin 70th
students & dove Romania 8/2/1953 55b issue=4th World Youth Festival
Tower of Babel & dove & star Cuba 3/7/1990 30c issue=75th Esperanto Congress
UN emblem - Scales & dove Egypt 10/24/1970 5m issue=25th Anniversary of United Nations
UN Headquarters & UN emblem & dove Botswana 10/24/1970 15c issue=UN 25th
UPU emblem & dove carrying mail Upper Volta 7/23/1974 100fr issue=UPU Centenary
US flag & Japanese flag & dove Ryukyu Islands 4/17/1972 5c
woman & dove (2 stamps, Spanish Guinea & Tunisia, 1951-1956)
woman raising hands to dove Yugoslavia 11/29/1955 15d issue=New Yugoslavia 10th
woman releasing dove (2 stamps, Lithuania & Russian occupation of Lithuania, 1940, 1 is ovpt)
woman with dove (1946) France 7/29/1946 10fr issue=Paris peace conference
woman with dove (1966) (2 stamps of Russia, 1966-1968)
woman with dove in front of a lyre (2 stamps of Monaco, 1963)
worker & dove Poland 8/31/1950 15z issue=Polish Peace Congress
World at Peace dove & blackbird Great Britain 11/16/1983 20 1/2p issue=Christmas 1983

athlete doves Bulgaria 5/23/1984 13st issue=Spartakiade 1984
building balloons doves German Democratic Republic 7/19/1988 10pf issue=Pioneering Meeting, Karl-Marx-Stadt
Castro and White doves Cuba 1/1/1999 65c issue=40th Anniversary of the Revolution
doves and hearts Japan 8/16/1999 50y issue=Greetings 1999
doves around globe United States 10/7/1949 15c issue=UPU 75th
doves over Globe & broken Chain Egypt 4/23/1958 10m issue=Qasim Amin death 50th
Flag of Kuwait & doves (2 stamps of Kuwait, 1979)
hands & doves Croatia 12/15/2011 3,10(k) issue=Vasa Posta
Love doves & heart (2 stamps of United States, 1990)
Love doves in bouquet United States 2/14/1994 52c
palm tree & doves Nigeria 11/5/1962 1sh3p issue=8th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference
Red Cross & doves Netherlands 6/1927 15c(+5c) issue=Netherlands Red Cross 60th
woman & doves Poland 3/2/1951 45g
Prev bird: double-toothed barbet
Next bird: Downy Woodpecker

Prev animal: Dolomedes plantarius
Next animal: Drymonema sp.

Wikipedia article