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  • JP009.13.jpg
  • JP007.13.jpg
  • JP011.13.jpg
  • CH022.03.jpg
  • CH015.10.jpg
Name: Heidi
Type: character

Appearing in designs:
Heidi Germany 12/5/2019 60(c) issue=Heroes of Childhood
Heidi Chalet Heidi Girl of the Alps-Animation Hero Heroine - 19 Heidi Girl of the Alps Japan 1/23/2013 80y issue=Animation Hero and Heroine Series No. 19
Heidi gathering flowers Japan 1/23/2013 80y issue=Animation Hero and Heroine Series No. 19
Heidi Pointing Japan 1/23/2013 80y issue=Animation Hero and Heroine Series No. 19
Heidi pronounces a happy event to her friends Switzerland 5/8/2003 90(c) issue=Comics 2003 dt=comics (2003)
Heidi with goats Switzerland 5/6/2010 100(c) issue=Europa 2010

No synonyms.
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