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Details | Gallery | Order by name | Oldest first
  • Colnect-2038-328-Antonio-Mompo-Cello.jpg
  • Colnect-817-695-With-feelings---Cello.jpg
  • Colnect-470-933-Pablo-Casals.jpg
Name: cello
Type: musical instrument

Appearing in designs:
Antonio Mompo & cello Cuba 6/8/1974 1c issue=50th Anniversary of The Havana Philharmonic Orchestra
girl playing cello Japan 7/23/1999 80y issue=Letter Writing Day 1999 / 50th Anniversary of Japanese Association of Penpal Clubs
Pablo Casals & cello Spain 12/29/1976 3p issue=Pablo Casals 100th

No synonyms.
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Next musical instrument: Cetik Lampung

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Next manufacture: Cellular phone

Wikipedia article