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HMS Edinburgh (synonym of HMS Edinburgh (D97))

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  • Colnect-706-316-Hms-Edinburgh.jpg
  • IO006.09.jpg
  • Colnect-3910-355-HMS-Edinburgh.jpg
  • Colnect-1710-495-HMS-Edinburgh-1988.jpg
Name: HMS Edinburgh
Type: ship
Synonym of: HMS Edinburgh (D97)

Appearing in designs:
badge of HMS Edinburgh & HMS Edinburgh Tristan da Cunha 10/15/2012 35p issue=Royal Navy Ships Crests II dt=Royal Navy ships crests
HMS Edinburgh Jersey 6/24/2008 43p issue=Ships - Visiting Naval Vessels
HMS Edinburgh (2009) British Indian Ocean Territory 3/9/2009 54p issue=Seafaring and Exploration
HMS Edinburgh (2014) Falkland Islands 12/22/2014 1.20£ issue=Type 42 Destroyers
HMS Edinburgh 1988 British Indian Ocean Territory 11/8/1991 54p dt=visiting ships

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Next ship: HMS Egeria (1873)

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