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WNS catalog - Bolivia

Name: WNS
Abbrev: WNS
Full name: World Numbering System

Number Type Isort Sort Source
BO001.12 postage 1/20/2012 3.00b multi d=Commem..litical Constitution of the State unwmk
BO002.12 3/22/2012 5.00b issue=Bolivia claims i..ccess to the Sea d=map of Litoral claim 1
BO003.12 4/12/2012 3.50b issue=No to Violence against Children and Adolescents 1
BO004.12 5/5/2012 0.50b dt=Work and Crafts d=harvester
BO005.12 5/5/2012 1.00b d=Manufacturer
BO006.12 5/5/2012 3.00b d=miners
BO007.12 5/5/2012 5.00b d=Oilman
BO008.12 5/7/2012 10.00b issue=OAS General Assembly in Bolivia 1
BO009.12 5/15/2012 0.50b issue=Tupac Katari y Bartolina Sisa 1
BO010.12 5/15/2012 1.50b 1
BO011.12 5/15/2012 3.00b 1
BO012.12 5/17/2012 1.00b issue=International Internet Day 1
BO013.12 5/17/2012 1.50b 1
BO014.12 5/17/2012 3.00b 1
BO015.12 5/22/2012 1.50b issue=Heroines of the Crown Battle 1
BO016.12 5/28/2012 0.50b dt=Domestic Animals (2012) d=poultry
BO017.12 5/28/2012 1.00b d=donkey (2012)
BO018.12 5/28/2012 3.00b d=sheep
BO019.12 5/28/2012 5.00b d=rabbits
BO020.12 6/6/2012 0.50b dt=Paleontological Deposits of Chuquisaca
BO021.12 6/6/2012 1.50b
BO022.12 6/6/2012 3.00b
BO023.12 6/6/2012 5.00b
BO024.12 6/25/2012 3.50b issue=First Institutional Stamp 1
BO025.12 7/11/2012 1.00b dt=minerals of Bolivia
BO026.12 7/11/2012 1.50b
BO027.12 7/11/2012 2.00b
BO028.12 7/11/2012 5.00b
BO029.12 7/24/2012 0.50b dt=Traditional Dances of Bolivia
BO030.12 7/24/2012 1.00b
BO031.12 7/24/2012 1.50b
BO032.12 7/24/2012 2.00b
BO033.12 7/24/2012 10.00b
BO034.12 8/17/2012 4.00b d="La Bicicleta de Los Huanca"
BO035.12 9/18/2012 0.50b dt=Bolivian gastronomy
BO036.12 9/18/2012 1.00b
BO037.12 9/18/2012 1.50b
BO038.12 9/18/2012 5.00b
BO039.12 9/19/2012 0.50b dt=orchids (2012 Bolivia)
BO040.12 9/19/2012 1.50b
BO041.12 9/19/2012 3.00b
BO042.12 9/19/2012 5.00b
BO043.12 9/21/2012 3.50b issue=Library and Hist..lurinational Legislative Assembly 100th 1
BO044.12 10/6/2012 1.00b issue=Decolonization Day 1
BO045.12 10/6/2012 1.50b 1
BO046.12 10/6/2012 2.50b 1
BO047.12 10/25/2012 1.00b issue=International Year of Sustainable Energy for All 1
BO048.12 10/25/2012 3.50b 1
BO049.12 10/26/2012 1.00b issue=America UPAEP 2012 dt=Myths and Legends 1
BO050.12 10/26/2012 5.00b 1
BO051.12 11/6/2012 30.00b issue=75th Anniversary of Mentisan Natural Relief 1
BO052.12 11/9/2012 1.50b issue=Christmas 2012 1
BO053.12 11/9/2012 2.50b 1
BO054.12 12/14/2012 2.50b issue=Education Law - Avelino Sinani Elizardo Perez 1
BO055.12 12/18/2012 1.00b issue=International Year of Quinoa 1
BO056.12 12/18/2012 3.50b 1
BO057.12 12/18/2012 4.00b 1
BO058.12 12/19/2012 4.00b issue=Private Employers Confederation of Bolivia 1

Prefixes: 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12