St. KittsNevis persons (with synonyms)

This page lists real-world things connected to stamps, such as persons, organizations, animals, plants, and objects.

Types | List | Gallery | With subtypes | No synonyms

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Name Issues/Designs
Annie Allen d - Annie Allen 1975
Princess Anne d - Princess Anne & Mark Phillips (1973) 1973, etc (2)
(syn. of Winston Churchill)
1874 1965 d (3) - Churchill & St Paul's & Queen Elizabeth II 1966, etc (4), Churchill as Knight of the Garter 1974, Churchill as Prime Minister 1974
Winston Spencer Churchill
(syn. of Winston Churchill)
1874 1965 d - Winston S..Churchill 1974
Thomas Coke d - Thomas Coke 1967
(syn. of Christopher Columbus)
1967 1506 d (2) - Columbus looking for land 1903, etc (14), King George VI & Columbus 1938, etc (2)
Marie Curie 1867 1934 birth death d - Marie Curie 1975 syns. Curie, M. Curie, Marie Sklodowska Curie
Queen Elizabeth II 1926 Princess Elizabeth visit to Malta accession - ... Silver Jubilee birth coronation - Coronation 1953 visit to Brazil visit to Tynwald d (18) - Bath House and Spa, Nevis & Queen Elizabeth II 1954, Brimstone Hill St Kitts & Queen Elizabeth II 1954, Churchill & St Paul's & Queen Elizabeth II 1966, etc (4), ... syns. Princess Elizabeth, Elizabeth II, QEII, Queen Elisabeth II
King George V accession - Silver Jubilee d (2) - King George V & medicinal spring 1920, etc (28), Windsor Castle & King George V 1935, etc (4) syns. George V, George, Prince of Wales, Prince George, Duke of York
King George VI coronation - Coronation visit d (19) - Bath House and Spa, Nevis & King George VI 1952, Brimstone Hill & King George VI 1952, Houses of Parliament & King George VI 1946, etc (2), ... syns. George VI, KGVI, Prince Albert (later George VI), Duke of York
Alexander Hamilton 1757 birth - ... 200th d (2) - Alexander Hamilton (1963) 1963, Alexander Hamilton & Nevis scene 1957 syns. Hamilton
Rowland Hill 1795 1880 birth death - 100th Anniversary of the Death of ... d (3) - Rowland Hill & St Christopher No 1 1979, St Kitts-Nevis 1lb & Rowland Hill 1979, St Kitts-Nevis 50c & Rowland Hill 1979 syns. Sir Rowland Hill
Sir Rowland Hill
(syn. of Rowland Hill)
1795 1879 d - Twopenny Blue & Sir Rowland Hill 1979
Martin Luther King 1929 1968 birth death - Death of ... d - Martin Luther King (1968 St. KittsNevis) 1968
Henry Morgan d - Henry Morgan & fire boats 1970
Sylvia Pankhurst d - Sylvia Pankhurst 1975
Mark Phillips d - Princess Anne & Mark Phillips (1973) 1973, etc (2)
Queen Elizabeth 1900 2002 birth The Queen Mother death d (2) - Queen Elizabeth & King George VI 1949, etc (2), Queen Elizabeth & regalia & King George VI 1937, etc (3) syns. Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, Queen Mother Elisabeth, Elizabeth Duchess of York, Lady Elizabeth, Queen Mother, Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother, the Queen Mother, Duchess of York
Edward Teach
(syn. of Blackbeard)
d - Edward Teach (1974) 1974
Charles Wesley 1707 birth d - Charles Wesley 1967
John Wesley 1704 birth d - John Wesley (1967) 1967 syns. Wesley

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