Desc: 5d
Currency: Pound sterling (pre-decimal) (240d=240p=20sh=20s=1lb)
Numerical sorting value: 300
Equivalent denoms: 5p (1)
Users of this denom: New South Wales (6 stamps, 1854-1884), Queensland (4 stamps, 1895-1907), South Australia (8 stamps, 1891-1908), Tasmania (2 stamps, 1892-1899), Victoria (5 stamps, 1890-1905), Western Australia (3 stamps, 1890-1905), Ceylon (6 stamps, 1857-1867), Gilbert & Ellice Islands (6 stamps, 1911-1965), Great Britain (41 stamps, 1881-1970), Northern Ireland (1 stamp, 1968), Scotland (1 stamp, 1968), Wales (1 stamp, 1968), British forces in Africa (1 stamp, 1943), British forces in Somalia (1 stamp, 1943), British offices in Morocco, British currency (2 stamps, 1949-1952), British offices in Tangier (3 stamps, 1949-1957), British offices in the Turkish Empire (2 stamps, 1905-1921), Guernsey (7 stamps, 1968-1970), Jersey (5 stamps, 1968-1970), Isle of Man (1 stamp, 1968), Grenada (1 stamp, 1921), Lagos (1 stamp, 1894), Leeward Islands (1 stamp, 1921), Montserrat (1 stamp, 1922), Natal (2 stamps, 1902-1908), Nauru (4 stamps, 1916-1965), New Britain (3 stamps, 1914), New Hebrides (Br) (6 stamps, 1908-1925), Niger Coast Protectorate (4 stamps, 1892-1897), Northern Nigeria (5 stamps, 1900-1912), St. Vincent (6 stamps, 1892-1921), Sierra Leone (10 stamps, 1897-1938), Trinidad (3 stamps, 1885-1905), Trinidad & Tobago (2 stamps, 1923), Tristan da Cunha (3 stamps, 1954-1960), Turks Islands (1 stamp, 1894), Turks & Caicos Islands (5 stamps, 1916-1957), Virgin Islands (1 stamp, 1922), Zululand (2 stamps, 1893)
Used by 167 stamps: (See all uses as list)
New South Wales 1854 5d dkgrn issue=1854 d=Queen Victoria (New South Wales 5d) wmk=double-lined numeral imperf
Ceylon 7/2/1857 5d orgbrn issue=1857 d=Queen Victoria (1857) wmk=large star imperf
New South Wales 1860 5d dkgrn issue=1860 d=Queen Victoria (New South Wales 5d) wmk=double-lined numeral perf=13
Ceylon 1861 5d chnt d=Queen Victoria (1857) wmk=large star perf=14-15.5
Ceylon 9/1862 5d brn d=Queen Victoria (1857) perf=14-15.5
Ceylon 1863 5d redbrn d=Queen Victoria (1857) wmk=crown & CC perf=12.5
Ceylon 1863 5d olgrn d=Queen Victoria (1857) wmk=crown & CC perf=12.5
Ceylon 1867 5d dkolgrn issue=1867 d=Queen Victoria (1857) wmk=crown & CC short perf=12.5 paper=handmade
New South Wales official 12/1/1879 5d dkgrn issue=1879 official d=Queen Victoria (New South Wales 5d) ovpt=O S on=issue=1860-5d wmk=double-lined numeral perf=13
Great Britain 3/15/1881 5d dpind issue=1880 d=Queen Victoria (1881 Great Britain) wmk=imperial crown perf=14
New South Wales 1882 5d grn issue=1882 d=Queen Victoria (New South Wales 5d) wmk=small crown & NSW
New South Wales official 1882 5d grn issue=1881 official d=Queen Victoria (New South Wales 5d) ovpt=O S on=issue=1882-5d wmk=small crown & NSW
New South Wales 1884 5d dkgrn d=Queen Victoria (New South Wales 5d) wmk=small crown & NSW
Great Britain 4/1/1884 5d grn issue=1883 d=Queen Victoria (1884 shield) wmk=imperial crown perf=14
Trinidad postage due 1/1/1885 5d blk d=numeral (1885 due) wmk=crown & CA perf=14
Great Britain 1887 5d lil&bl issue=Jubilee d=Queen Victoria (Jubilee 5d) var=thin lines right of d wmk=imperial crown
Great Britain 1887 5d lil&bl issue=Jubilee d=Queen Victoria (Jubilee 5d) var=square dots right of d wmk=imperial crown perf=14
Victoria postage due 1890 5d cl&bl d=numeral (1890 due) wmk=crown & double-lined A perf=12.5
Western Australia 1890 5d bis issue=1890 dt=swan 1890 d=black swan (1890) wmk=crown & CA perf=14
Victoria 1891 5d choc issue=1890 d=Queen Victoria (1901 Victoria 5d) wmk=V & crown perf=12.5
South Australia official 1891 5d brn issue=1891 official d=++on=6p
South Australia 1891 5d redbrn oc=blk on=6p-redbrn-unissued
Tasmania 1892 5d bl&brn issue=1892 d=Queen Victoria (1892 Tasmania) wmk=TAS perf=14
St. Vincent 1892 5d lk oc=blk on=4d-lk-unissued
Niger Coast Protectorate 7/1892 5d lil&bl issue=1892 ovpt=BRITISH//PROTECTORATE//OIL RIVERS oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-5d-lil&bl
Zululand 1893 5d lil&bl issue=1888a d=Queen Victoria (Jubilee 5d) var=thin lines right of d ovpt=ZULULAND oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1887-5d-lil&bl-var=thin lines right of d wmk=imperial crown
Zululand 1893 5d lil&bl issue=1888a d=Queen Victoria (Jubilee 5d) var=square dots right of d ovpt=ZULULAND oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1887-5d-lil&bl-var=square dots right of d wmk=imperial crown perf=14
South Australia official 1893 5d dkpur issue=1893 official
South Australia official 1893 5d dkpur issue=1983 official a
St. Vincent 1893 5d lk oc=blk on=6p-lk-unissued
Niger Coast Protectorate 11/1893 5d graylil issue=1893a d=Queen Victoria (1893 Niger Coast 5d)
Victoria postage due 1894 5d blgrn&rose d=numeral (1890 due) wmk=crown & double-lined A perf=12.5
Lagos 2/1894 5d pur&blgrn issue=1882 d=Queen Victoria (Lagos) wmk=crown & CC perf=14
South Australia 3/1/1894 5d dlvio issue=1894 d=Queen Victoria & arms of South Australia
Niger Coast Protectorate 5/1894 5d vio issue=1894 d=Queen Victoria (1894 Niger Coast 5d)
Turks Islands 6/1894 5d olgrn&car d=Queen Victoria (1890 keyplate) wmk=crown & CA perf=14
Queensland 1895 5d viobrn issue=1895f dt=QV lower corners d=Queen Victoria (1895 Queensland 5d) perf=12.5 paper=white wove
South Australia 1895 5d dlvio issue=1895 d=Queen Victoria & arms of South Australia perf=13
Trinidad 8/17/1896 5d issue=1896 d=Britannia (1896) wmk=crown & CA perf=14
St. Vincent 1897 5d brn issue=1883b d=Queen Victoria (1861 St. Vincent) wmk=crown & CA perf=14
Sierra Leone 1897 5d lil&blk issue=1896 d=Queen Victoria (1889 keyplate) wmk=crown & CA perf=14
Queensland 1897 5d viobrn issue=1897 dt=Queen Victoria (1897) d=Queen Victoria (1897 Queensland 5d) perf=12.5 paper=white wove
Niger Coast Protectorate 3/1897 5d dpvio issue=1897 d=Queen Victoria (1894 Niger Coast 5d) wmk=crown & CA
St. Vincent 1898 5d lil&blk d=Queen Victoria (1889 keyplate) wmk=crown & CA perf=14
Tasmania 12/1899 5d ultra issue=1899 d=Mount Gould & Lake St. Clair wmk=mult TAS perf=14
Northern Nigeria 3/1900 5d pur&brnred d=Queen Victoria (1889 keyplate) wmk=crown & CA
Victoria 6/1901 5d choc issue=1901b postage d=Queen Victoria (1901 Victoria 5d) wmk=V & crown perf=12.5
Natal 1902 5d org&blk d=King Edward VII (1902 Natal) wmk=crown & CA perf=14
Great Britain 1/1/1902 5d lil&ultra issue=1902 d=King Edward VII (1902 5d) wmk=imperial crown perf=14
Northern Nigeria 7/1/1902 5d d=King Edward VII (1902 keyplate) wmk=crown & CA
(plus 117 more) (See all uses as list)