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10pi denom (#6780)

  • Colnect-2991-040--quot-PIASTER-quot--on-emperor-Franz-Joseph.jpg
  • Colnect-1816-188--quot-PIASTER-quot--on-emperor-Franz-Joseph.jpg
  • Colnect-2991-048--quot-PIASTER-quot--on-emperor-Franz-Joseph.jpg
  • Colnect-1278-004-overprint-on--Germania-.jpg
  • Colnect-1278-040-overprint-on--Germania-.jpg
  • Colnect-417-471-Internal-post-stamp---Tughra-of-Abdul-Hamid-II.jpg
  • Colnect-1278-016-overprint-on--Germania-.jpg
  • Colnect-1278-029-overprint-on--Germania-.jpg
  • Colnect-1816-217-Jubilee.jpg
  • Colnect-4309-258-Numeral.jpg
  • Colnect-611-478-Internal-post-stamp---Tughra-of-Abdul-Hamid-II.jpg
  • Colnect-4312-211-50th-ann-of-Russian-Steam-Navigation-and-Trading-Company.jpg
  • Colnect-4312-280-Trebizonde.jpg
  • Colnect-4312-279-Smyrne.jpg
  • Colnect-4312-278-Salonique.jpg
  • Colnect-4312-276-Mont-Athos.jpg
  • Colnect-4312-274-Kerassunde.jpg
  • Colnect-4312-273-Jerusalem.jpg
  • Colnect-4312-272-Jaffa.jpg
  • Colnect-4312-270-Constantinople.jpg
  • Colnect-1435-169-Internal-post-stamp---Tughra-of-Mehmed-V.jpg
  • Colnect-4312-216-Coat-of-Arms.jpg
  • Colnect-4312-229-300-years-Romanov-dynasty-Moscow-Kremlin.jpg
  • Colnect-417-502-Internal-post-stamps-1913.jpg
  • Colnect-1355-935-Unnamed.jpg
  • Colnect-6237-130-Overprint-on-Sweet-waters-of-Europe-Park.jpg
  • Colnect-5053-411-overprint-on-Interior-post-stamps-1913.jpg
  • Colnect-1414-334-surcharge-on-Sultanahmet-fountain.jpg
  • Colnect-1414-531-overprint-on-stamps-1905.jpg
  • Colnect-5053-407-overprint-on-Internal-post-stamps-1908.jpg
  • Colnect-417-543-overprint-on-stamps-1909.jpg
  • Colnect-1420-141-Dolmabahce-Palace.jpg
  • Colnect-1437-218-Hagia-Sophia---Obelisk-of-the-Hippodrome.jpg
  • Colnect-1431-090-Overprint-on-Dolmabahce-Palace---Mehmed-V.jpg
  • Colnect-5266-915-Overprint-on-Dolmabahce-Palace---Mehmed-V.jpg
  • Colnect-417-634-Overprint-on-Fountain-in-Desert-near-Sinai.jpg
  • Colnect-417-640-Kagithane.jpg
  • Colnect-799-474-Type-Merson.jpg
  • Colnect-799-482-Type-Merson.jpg
  • Colnect-1937-218-Italy-Stamps-Overprint.jpg
  • Colnect-2367-508-Wolf-Canis-lupus.jpg
  • Colnect-2285-177-Acquisition-of-the-Turkish-Administration-in-Adana-Adana-2n.jpg
Desc: 10pi

Currency: Ottoman lira (40par=40pa=1pia=1pi)

Numerical sorting value: 24000

Equivalent denoms: 10pia (9)

Users of this denom: Austrian offices in the Turkish Empire (5 stamps, 1892-1908), Cilicia (2 stamps, 1920), Eastern Rumelia (1 stamp, 1880), German offices in the Turkish Empire (4 stamps, 1900-1905), Italian offices in the Turkish Empire (1 stamp, 1921), Russian offices in the Levant (12 stamps, 1900-1913), Turkey (33 stamps, 1905-1923), Turkey in Asia (2 stamps, 1922)

Used by 60 stamps: (See all uses as list)

Eastern Rumelia 1880 10pi blk&redlil issue=1880 ovpt=R.O oc=blk on=issuer=Turkey-10pa-blk&redlil
Austrian offices in the Turkish Empire 1892 10pi dkbl d=Franz Josef (1890 anaglyph) ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=Austria-1890-1gld-dkbl perf=9-12.5
Austrian offices in the Turkish Empire 1896 10pi lil d=Franz Josef (1890 anaglyph) ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=Austria-1896-1gld-lil perf=9-12.5
Austrian offices in the Turkish Empire 1900 10pi dllil d=Franz Josef (1890 anaglyph) ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=Austria-1899-2kr perf=9-12.5
Russian offices in the Levant 1900 10pi ovpt=value oc=blk on=1r-unissued
German offices in the Turkish Empire 10/1/1900 10pi graybl d=union of North and South (Reichspost) oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-1900-2m
German offices in the Turkish Empire 1903 10pi graybl d=union of North and South (Reichspost) ovpt=A with bar oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-1900-2m
Turkey 1905 10pi orgbrn d=tughra (1905)
German offices in the Turkish Empire 10/1/1905 10pi graybl d=union of North and South (redesigned) ovpt=value(fraktur) oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-1902-2m-union of North and South (redesigned)
German offices in the Turkish Empire 11/1905 10pi graybl d=union of North and South (redesigned) ovpt=value(fraktur) oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-1905-2m wmk=lozenges perf=14x14.5
Turkey 1908 10pi red d=tughra (1908)
Austrian offices in the Turkish Empire postage due 1908 10pi
Austrian offices in the Turkish Empire 1908 10pi grn issue=1908 d=Franz Josef in royal robes
Russian offices in the Levant 1909 10pi brn&org issue=1909 d=d1909 ovpt=value oc=blk on=1r-brn&org-d1909-unissued
Russian offices in the Levant 1909 10pi brn&org issue=1909 Trebizond ovpt=Trebizonde oc=blk on=1r-brn&org-unissued
Russian offices in the Levant 1909 10pi brn&org issue=1909 Smyrna ovpt=Smyrne oc=blk on=1r-brn&org-unissued
Russian offices in the Levant 1909 10pi brn&org issue=1909 Salonika ovpt=Salonique oc=blk on=1r-brn&org-unissued
Russian offices in the Levant 1909 10pi brn&org issue=1909 Mt Athos ovpt=Mont Athos oc=blk on=1r-brn&org-unissued
Russian offices in the Levant 1909 10pi brn&org issue=1909 Kerassunde ovpt=Kerassunde oc=blk on=1r-brn&org-unissued
Russian offices in the Levant 1909 10pi brn&org issue=1909 Jerusalem ovpt=Ierusalem oc=blk on=1r-brn&org-unissued
Russian offices in the Levant 1909 10pi brn&org issue=1909 Jaffa ovpt=Jaffa oc=blk on=1r-brn&org-unissued
Russian offices in the Levant 1909 10pi brn&org issue=1909 Constantinople d=d1909 ovpt=Constantinople oc=blk on=issue=1909-10pi
Turkey 12/1909 10pi dlred issue=1909a d=tughra (1909)
Russian offices in the Levant 1910 10pi brn&org issue=1910 ovpt=value oc=blk on=1r-brn&org-unissued
Turkey 6/26/1911 10pi issue=Macedonia visit Salonika c d=tughra (1905) ovpt=arabic//SALONIKA oc=blk on=10pi-tughra (1905)
Turkey 6/26/1911 10pi orgbrn issue=Macedonia visit Monastir c d=tughra (1905) ovpt=arabic//MONASTIR oc=blk on=10pi-tughra (1905)
Turkey 6/26/1911 10pi issue=Macedonia visit Pristina c d=tughra (1905) ovpt=arabic//PRISTINA oc=blk on=10pi-tughra (1905)
Turkey 6/26/1911 10pi issue=Macedonia visit Uskub c d=tughra (1905) ovpt=arabic//USKUB oc=blk on=10pi-tughra (1905)
Russian offices in the Levant 1913 10pi dkgrn issue=Romanov 300th d=Kremlin (1913) ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=Russia-1913-1r perf=13.5
Turkey 3/14/1913 10pi dlred issue=1913 d=post office, Constantinople perf=12
Turkey 1/14/1914 10pi issue=1914 d=Kagithane perf=12
Turkey 10/14/1914 10pi issue=capitulation abrogation d=Kagithane ovpt=capitulation abrogation oc=blk on=issue=1914-10pi perf=12
Turkey 1915 10pi dlred issue=1915 on 1913 d=post office, Constantinople ovpt=6point oc=blk on=1913-10pi-dlred perf=12
Turkey 1915 10pi dlred issue=1915 on 1909 d=tughra (1909) ovpt=6point oc=blk on=1909-10pi-dlred
Turkey 1915 10pi red issue=1915 on 1908 d=tughra (1908) ovpt=6point oc=blk on=1908-10pi-red
Turkey 1915 10pi orgbrn issue=1915e on 1905 d=tughra (1905) ovpt=6point oc=blk on=1905-10pi-orgbrn
Turkey 1915 10pi d=Sultanahmet fountain oc=blk on=issue=1914-100pi perf=12
Turkey 1916 10pi dkgrn issue=1916c d=tughra (1901 a) ovpt=5point star oc=blk on=1901-25pi-dkgrn perf=13.25
Turkey 1916 10pi brn issue=1916d d=tughra (1901 b) ovpt=5point star oc=blk on=1901-25pi-brn perf=13.25
Turkey 1916 10pi yelbrn issue=1916d d=tughra (1901 b) ovpt=5point star oc=blk on=1901-50pi-yelbrn perf=13.25
Turkey 1916 10pi dpvio issue=1916e d=tughra (1905) ovpt=5point star oc=blk on=1905-50pi-dpvio
Turkey 1916 10pi olgrn issue=1916e d=tughra (1905) ovpt=5point star oc=blk on=1905-25pi-olgrn
Turkey 1916 10pi dkgrn issue=1916h d=tughra (1908) ovpt=5point star oc=blk on=1908-25pi-dkgrn
Turkey 1916 10pi red issue=1916h d=tughra (1908) ovpt=5point star oc=blk on=1908-10pi-red
Turkey 1916 10pi redbrn issue=1916h d=tughra (1908) ovpt=5point star oc=blk on=1908-50pi-redbrn
Turkey 1916 10pi dlred issue=1916l d=post office, Constantinople ovpt=5point star oc=blk on=1913-10pi-dlred perf=12
Turkey 11/15/1916 10pi blgrn issue=1916 d=palace & Sultan perf=12.5
Turkey 11/15/1916 10pi pur issue=1916 d=palace & Sultan perf=12.5
Turkey 11/15/1916 10pi bisbrn issue=1916 d=palace & Sultan perf=12.5
Turkey 1918 10pi issue=1918 d=Sancta Sophia Obelisk of the Hippodrome
(plus 10 more) (See all uses as list)