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Ottoman lira

Name: Ottoman lira
Defn: 40par=40pa=1pia=1pi
Desc: in this currency, piastres are also called kurus
Units of money:
para pa, par 1
piastre pi 40

Users of this currency: Austrian offices in the Turkish Empire (64 stamps, 1886-1913), Cilicia (108 stamps, 1919-1921), Crete (5 stamps, 1898-1899), Eastern Rumelia (36 stamps, 1880-1885), French offices in Crete (5 stamps, 1903), French offices in the Turkish Empire (26 stamps, 1885-1923), German offices in the Turkish Empire (55 stamps, 1884-1905), British offices in the Turkish Empire (40 stamps, 1885-1921), Mytilene (16 stamps, 1912), Italian offices in Bengasi (2 stamps, 1901-1911), Italian offices in Crete (2 stamps, 1900-1901), Italian offices in the Turkish Empire (68 stamps, 1908-1923), Italy/Albania (6 stamps, 1902-1907), Constantinople (22 stamps, 1909-1923), Durazzo (8 stamps, 1909-1911), Janina (12 stamps, 1902-1911), Jerusalem (8 stamps, 1909-1911), Salonika (8 stamps, 1909-1911), Scutari (9 stamps, 1909-1915), Smyrna (13 stamps, 1909-1922), Valona (9 stamps, 1909-1916), Romania (30 stamps, 1858-1866), Romanian offices in the Turkish Empire (6 stamps, 1896), Russian offices in the Levant (131 stamps, 1900-1913), Thrace (28 stamps, 1913), Turkey (695 stamps, 1863-1924), Turkey in Asia (75 stamps, 1920-1922)

Denominations used in this currency:
Denom Usages Selected stamps
1pa 1   Turkey 1905 blk&rose issue=1905 due
2pa 16   Romania 1/1865 org d=Prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza ... Turkey 1920 issue=Mohammed VI accession Romania yeloch unissued
3pa 3   Romania 1862 org issue=1862 laid d=Moldavia-Walachia arms paper=laid ... Romania 1863 yel d=Moldavia-Walachia arms
4pa 7   Russian offices in the Levant 1900 org ovpt=value oc=bl on=1k-org-unissued ... Cilicia 4/1/1919 dkbrn issue=1919c d=Column of Constantine ovpt=CILICIE script oc=blk on=issuer=Turkey-4pa-dkbrn-Column of Constantine
5pa 104   Romania 11/1/1858 blk d=arms 1858 2 ... Turkey in Asia 1922 issue=1922c d=First National Assembly Romania bl unissued
6pa 7   Romania 1862 car issue=1862 laid d=Moldavia-Walachia arms paper=laid ... Cilicia 3/4/1919 dkbl issue=1919a d=Castle of Seven Towers ovpt=CILICIE tall oc=blk on=issuer=Turkey-6pa-dkbl-Castle of Seven Towers
8pa 1   Austrian offices in the Turkish Empire 1890 ltbrn d=Franz Josef (1890) ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=Austria-1890-2kr
1/4pi 2   Turkey 1/1876 redvio issue=1876 Jan dt=crescent & star d=crescent & star (1876), Austrian offices in the Turkish Empire 1908
= 1/4pia 1   Turkey 3/25/1917 brnvio issue=1917e d=++on=10pia
= 10pa 158   Turkey 1/13/1865 dpgrn issue=1865 dt=crescent & star d=crescent & star (1865) ... Turkey 1923 grayblk d=crescent & star (1923)
15pa 2   Russian offices in the Levant 1913 rosered issue=Romanov 300th d=Alexander III ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=Russia-1913-3k, Russian offices in the Levant 8/1913 car issue=1913 d=arms of Russia (1909 a) var=varnished ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=Russia-1909-3k-car paper=wove
1/2pi 3   Turkey 1/1876 yelgrn issue=1876 Jan dt=crescent & star d=crescent & star (1876) ... Austrian offices in the Turkish Empire 1908
= 1/2pia 1   Turkey 3/25/1917 grn issue=1917e d=++on=20pia
= 20pa 181   Turkey 1/1/1863 dkbrn issue=1863 due ... Turkey 1923 citron d=crescent & star (1923) Romania red unissued
25pa 0  
27pa 1   Romania 7/15/1858 blk d=arms 1858 1
30pa 29   Romania 1862 bl issue=1862 laid d=Moldavia-Walachia arms paper=laid ... Constantinople 1923 grn issue=1923 d=Victor Emmanuel III (profile) ovpt=CONSTANTINOPOLI//value oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-1906-5c-grn
35pa 2   Italy/Albania 1902 org d=Victor Emmanuel III (1901 a) ovpt=ALBANIA//value Para value oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-1901-20c-org
1pi 172   Turkey 1/13/1863 blk pc=gray issue=1863 d=tughra (1863) paper=thin ... Turkey 1923 dpvio d=crescent & star (1923)
= 1pia 17   Mytilene 1912 bl issue=1912b ... Cilicia 1921 dkbrn issue=1921 due d=++on=10c
= 40pa 12   Romania 11/1/1858 bl d=arms 1858 2 ... Turkey 3/25/1917 bl issue=1917t
1 1/4pi 8   Turkey 1/1876 rose issue=1876 Jan dt=crescent & star d=crescent & star (1876) ... British offices in the Turkish Empire 1913 vio d=King George V (1912 c) oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1912-3d
= 1 1/4pia 1   Turkey 3/25/1917 rose issue=1917e d=++on=50pia
= 1pi10pa 1   British offices in the Turkish Empire 1909 pur pc=yel issue=1909 d=King Edward VII (1902 3d) on=issuer=Great Britain-1902-3d
= 50pa 6   Turkey 9/15/1876 bl&yel d=crescent (1876) ... Turkey 11/30/1919 ultra issue=armistice d=map of Dardanelles oc=blk on=1916-50pa-ultra
54pa 1   Romania 7/15/1858 grn d=arms 1858 1
1 1/2pi 11   German offices in the Turkish Empire 10/1/1900 org&blk pc=sal d=Germania (Reichspost) oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-1900-30pf ... Turkey 1/1/1924 emer d=Cobandede bridge & Kemal Pasha
= 1.50pi 2   Italian offices in the Turkish Empire 1922 bl issue=1922b d=Victor Emmanuel III (facing left) ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-1908-25c-bl
= 1pi20pa 8   French offices in the Turkish Empire 1921 grn issue=1921 d=sower (1906 no ground) oc=blk on=issuer=France-issue=1906-10c-grn ... French offices in the Turkish Empire 1923 rose d=sower (1903) oc=blk on=issuer=France-issue=1903-10c
= 60pa 7   Austrian offices in the Turkish Empire 1908 vio issue=1908 d=Franz Josef (1908) ... Turkey 1921 grn issue=1921 d=Fenerbahce oc=blk on=issue=1920-10pa
1 3/4pi 5   British offices in the Turkish Empire 1910 org d=King Edward VII (1902 4d) ovpt=1 3/4//PIASTRE oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1909-4d ... Cilicia 3/4/1919 sl&redbrn issue=1919a d=fountains ovpt=CILICIE tall oc=blk on=issuer=Turkey-1 3/4pi-sl&redbrn-fountains
= 1pi30pa 1   British offices in the Turkish Empire 1909 brn&grn issue=1909 d=King Edward VII (1902 4d) ovpt=1 PIASTRE//30 PARAS oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1902-4d
= 70pa 1   Cilicia 2/1920 red oc=blk on=issuer=Turkey-5pa-red-unissued
2pi 124   Turkey 1/13/1863 blk pc=grnbl issue=1863 d=tughra (1863) paper=thin ... Turkey 1923 blgrn d=crescent & star (1923)
= 2pia 21   Mytilene 1912 blblk issue=1912b ... Cilicia 1921 olgrn issue=1921 due d=++on=20c
= 80pa 8   Romania 11/1/1858 red d=arms 1858 2 ... Italian offices in the Turkish Empire 1908 vio issue=Turin d=Victor Emmanuel III (facing left) ovpt=80 Para 80 oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-1908-50c-vio
81pa 1   Romania 7/15/1858 bl d=arms 1858 1
2 1/2pi 27   German offices in the Turkish Empire 1884 slgrn issue=1884 d=German eagle (1880 pfennig) oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-1880-50pf ... Turkey 1920 issue=Mohammed VI accession
= 2 1/2Pia 6   Mytilene 11/9/1912 dkbrn issue=1912b ... Turkey 3/25/1917 brnvio issue=1917o
= 2pi20pa 1   British offices in the Turkish Empire 1909 dlvio issue=1909 d=King Edward VII (1902) ovpt=2 PIASTRES//20 PARAS oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1902-6p
108pa 1   Romania 7/15/1858 bl d=arms 1858 1
3pi 20   French offices in the Turkish Empire 8/16/1885 car pc=rose issue=1885 d=Peace & Commerce var=N under U oc=blk on=issuer=France-1877-75c-car ... Turkey 1/1/1924 vio d=Cobandede bridge & Kemal Pasha
= 3pia 1   Cilicia 1921 issue=1921 due d=++on=30c
3 1/2pi 3   Russian offices in the Levant 1912 redbrn&grn issue=1912 d=arms of Russia (1889 mantled) var=varnished ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=Russia-1909-35k paper=wove ... Cilicia 2/1920 red oc=blk on=issuer=Turkey-5pa-red-unissued
3 3/4pi 3   British offices in the Turkish Empire 1921 ultra issue=1921 d=King George V (1912 b) oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-2 1/2d-ultra-King George V ... Turkey 1923 lilbrn d=crescent & star (1923)
= 3.75pi 2   Italian offices in the Turkish Empire 1922 bl d=Victor Emmanuel III (facing left) ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-1908-25c-bl
= 3pi30pa 7   French offices in the Turkish Empire 1921 bl issue=1921 d=sower (1906 no ground) oc=blk on=issuer=France-issue=1906-25c-bl ... French offices in the Turkish Empire 1923 slgrn d=sower (1903) oc=blk on=issuer=France-issue=1903-15c
4pi 22   French offices in the Turkish Empire 8/16/1885 brnzgrn issue=1885 d=Peace & Commerce var=N under B oc=blk on=issuer=France-1876-1fr-brnzgrn ... Italian offices in the Turkish Empire 1921 brnorg issue=1921 d=Victor Emmanuel III (facing right 1909) ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-1917-20c-brnorg
= 4pia 1   Cilicia 1921 pur issue=1921 due d=++on=50c
4 1/2pi 5   British offices in the Turkish Empire 1921 vio issue=1921 d=King George V (1912 c) oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-3d-vio-King George V ... Turkey 1/1/1924 rose d=Cobandede bridge & Kemal Pasha
= 4.50pi 1   Italian offices in the Turkish Empire 1922 vio issue=1922b d=Victor Emmanuel III (facing left) ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-1908-50c-vio
= 4pi20pa 3   French offices in the Turkish Empire 1921 dporg issue=1921 d=sower (1906 no ground) oc=blk on=issuer=France-issue=1906-30c-dporg ... Italian offices in the Turkish Empire 1923 vio issue=1923 d=Victor Emmanuel III (facing left) ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-1908-50c-vio
5pi 120   Turkey 1/13/1863 blk pc=rose issue=1863 d=tughra (1863) paper=thin ... Turkey 1/1/1924 yelbrn d=Cobandede bridge & Kemal Pasha
= 5pia 9   Mytilene 11/9/1912 dkpur issue=1912b ... Turkey 3/25/1917 redbrn&brn issue=1917g d=No.55
7pi 12   Russian offices in the Levant 1900 ovpt=value oc=blk on=70k-unissued ... Russian offices in the Levant 1913 grn&brn issue=Romanov 300th d=Michael Romanoff ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=Russia-1913-70k
7 1/2pi 7   British offices in the Turkish Empire 1921 yelbrn issue=1921 d=King George V (1912 d) oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-5d-yelbrn-King George V ... Turkey 1/1/1924 dpbl d=Cobandede bridge & Kemal Pasha
= 7.50pi 1   Italian offices in the Turkish Empire 1922 car issue=1922b d=Victor Emmanuel III (facing left) ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-1917-60c-car
= 7pi20pa 7   French offices in the Turkish Empire 1921 dlbl issue=1921 d=sower (1903) oc=blk on=issuer=France-issue=1903-50c-dlbl ... French offices in the Turkish Empire 1923 vio d=sower (1906 no ground) var=1 oc=blk on=issuer=France-issue=1906-35c-vio-var=1
8pi 3   French offices in the Turkish Empire 1900 brn issue=1885 d=Peace & Commerce var=N under B oc=blk on=issuer=France-1900-2fr-brn ... French offices in Crete 1903
10pi 60   Eastern Rumelia 1880 blk&redlil issue=1880 ovpt=R.O oc=blk on=issuer=Turkey-10pa-blk&redlil ... Turkey 1923 sl d=crescent & star (1923)
= 10pia 9   Mytilene 11/9/1912 issue=1912b d=Blue Overprint ... Turkey 3/25/1917 ltbrn issue=1917n domestic d=++on=50pia
11 1/4pi 1   Turkey 1923 dlrose d=crescent & star (1923)
12pi 2   British offices in the Turkish Empire 4/1/1885 lil d=Queen Victoria (1883 2sh6d) oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1883-2sh6p-lil, British offices in the Turkish Empire 1903 dlvio issue=1902 d=King Edward VII (1902 2sh6p) on=issuer=Great Britain-1902-2sh6p
15pi 12   German offices in the Turkish Empire 10/1/1900 blkvio d=unveiling (Reichspost) oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-1900-3m ... Italian offices in the Turkish Empire 1923 redbrn issue=1923 d=Victor Emmanuel III (facing left) ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-1920-85c-redbrn Italian offices in the Turkish Empire 1922 unissued
18 3/4pi 2   British offices in the Turkish Empire 1921 bis issue=1921 d=King George V (1912 e) oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1sh-bis-King George V, Turkey 1923 myrgrn d=crescent & star (1923)
= 18.75pi 1   Italian offices in the Turkish Empire 1922 brn&grn issue=1922b d=Victor Emmanuel III (1901 b) ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-1901-1l-brn&grn
= 18pi30pa 2   Italian offices in the Turkish Empire 1923 brn&grn issue=1923 d=Victor Emmanuel III (1901 b) ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-1901-1l-brn&grn
20pi 23   Turkey 1867 dkbrn ... Cilicia 3/1920 cl<olgrn issue=1920c d=Liberty & Peace ovpt=O.M.F.//Cilicie//SAND. EST//value oc=blk on=issuer=France-1900-1fr-cl<olgrn
22 1/2pi 1   Turkey 1923 org d=crescent & star (1923)
24pi 1   British offices in the Turkish Empire 1902 carrose issue=1902 d=King Edward VII (1902 5sh) on=issuer=Great Britain-1902-5sh
25pi 58   Turkey 1/13/1865 redorg issue=1865 dt=crescent & star d=crescent & star (1865) ... Turkey 1923 blkbrn d=crescent & star (1923)
= 25pia 7   Turkey 3/25/1917 vio&rose issue=1917g d=No.41
30pi 3   Austrian offices in the Turkish Empire 1908 ... French offices in the Turkish Empire 1921 org&bl issue=1921 d=Liberty & Peace oc=blk on=issuer=France-issue=1900-2fr-org&bl
1234 6   Turkey 1/1/1863 dkbrn issue=1863 due
35pi 11   Russian offices in the Levant 1900 ovpt=value oc=blk on=3.50r-unissued ... Turkey 1920 bl issue=Mohammed VI accession oc=blk on=issue=armistice-1pi
40pi 8   Constantinople 1911 graygrn&red issue=1909 d=Victor Emmanuel III (1910) ovpt=CONSTANTINOPOLI//value oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-1910-10l-graygrn&red
45pi 5   British offices in the Turkish Empire 1921 brn issue=1921 d=Britannia Rules the Waves (retouched) oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1919-2sh6p-brn ... Italian offices in the Turkish Empire 1923 bl&rose issue=1923 d=Victor Emmanuel III (1901 b) ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-1901-5l-bl&rose
50pi 44   Turkey 1901 yel issue=1901a d=tughra (1901 a) ... Turkey 1/1/1924 org d=Cobandede bridge & Kemal Pasha
= 50pia 3   Turkey 3/25/1917 car issue=1917v
70pi 10   Russian offices in the Levant 1900 ovpt=value oc=blk on=7r-unissued ... Russian offices in the Levant 1909 dkgrn&pnk issue=1909 Trebizond ovpt=Trebizonde oc=blk on=7r-dkgrn&pnk-unissued
75pi 1   French offices in the Turkish Empire 1921 dkbl&buff issue=1921 d=Liberty & Peace oc=blk on=issuer=France-issue=1900-5fr-dkbl&buff
90pi 5   British offices in the Turkish Empire 1921 car issue=1921 d=Britannia Rules the Waves (retouched) oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1919-5sh-car ... Italian offices in the Turkish Empire 1923 graygrn&red issue=1923 d=Victor Emmanuel III (1910) ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-1910-10l-graygrn&red
100pi 12   Russian offices in the Levant 8/1913 car&yel&gray issue=1913 d=arms of Russia (1906 10r) ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=Russia-1906-10r paper=vertically laid ... Turkey 1/1/1924 brnvio d=Cobandede bridge & Kemal Pasha
180pi 1   British offices in the Turkish Empire 1921 bl issue=1921 d=Britannia Rules the Waves (retouched) oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1919-10sh-bl
200pi 4   Turkey 1/28/1914 grn&blk issue=1914 d=Sultan Mehmed V (1914) ... Turkey 1/1/1924 olbrn d=Cobandede bridge & Kemal Pasha
250pi 1   Turkey 1920 slbl issue=Mohammed VI accession oc=blk on=issue=armistice-25pi
500pi 5   Turkey in Asia 1921 issue=1921b ... Turkey 1923 dpgrn d=crescent & star (1923)
1000pi 1   Turkey in Asia 1921 issue=1921b

Used by 1487 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Romania 7/15/1858 81pa bl d=arms 1858 1 imperf
Romania 7/15/1858 27pa blk d=arms 1858 1 imperf
Romania 7/15/1858 54pa grn d=arms 1858 1 imperf
Romania 7/15/1858 108pa bl d=arms 1858 1 imperf
Romania 11/1/1858 5pa blk d=arms 1858 2 imperf
Romania 11/1/1858 40pa bl d=arms 1858 2 imperf
Romania 11/1/1858 80pa red d=arms 1858 2 imperf
Romania 1859 5pa blk imperf
Romania 1859 40pa bl imperf
Romania 1859 80pa red imperf
Romania 1862 6pa car issue=1862 laid d=Moldavia-Walachia arms paper=laid
Romania 1862 30pa bl issue=1862 wove d=Moldavia-Walachia arms paper=wove
Romania 1862 6pa car issue=1862 wove d=Moldavia-Walachia arms paper=wove
Romania 1862 6pa ver issue=1862 wove d=Moldavia-Walachia arms paper=wove
Romania 1862 3pa orgyel issue=1862 wove d=Moldavia-Walachia arms paper=wove
Romania 1862 30pa bl issue=1862 laid d=Moldavia-Walachia arms imperf paper=laid
Romania 1862 3pa org issue=1862 laid d=Moldavia-Walachia arms imperf paper=laid
Romania 1862 6pa red issue=1862 laid d=Moldavia-Walachia arms imperf paper=laid
Romania 1863 3pa yel d=Moldavia-Walachia arms imperf
Romania 1863 30pa dpbl d=Moldavia-Walachia arms imperf
Romania 1863 6pa dprose d=Moldavia-Walachia arms imperf
Turkey postage due 1/1/1863 1234 redbrn issue=1863 due imperf
Turkey postage due 1/1/1863 20pa dkbrn issue=1863 due imperf
Turkey postage due 1/1/1863 20pa redbrn issue=1863 due imperf
Turkey postage due 1/1/1863 1234 dkbrn issue=1863 due imperf
... skipping 1437 ...
Turkey 1923 3 3/4pi lilbrn d=crescent & star (1923) perf=13.25
Turkey 1923 4 1/2pi car d=crescent & star (1923)
Turkey 1923 5pi pur d=crescent & star (1923)
Turkey 1923 7 1/2pi bl d=crescent & star (1923)
Turkey 1923 10pi sl d=crescent & star (1923)
Turkey 1923 11 1/4pi dlrose d=crescent & star (1923) perf=13.25
Turkey 1923 15pi brn d=crescent & star (1923)
Turkey 1923 18 3/4pi myrgrn d=crescent & star (1923) perf=13.25
Turkey 1923 22 1/2pi org d=crescent & star (1923) perf=13.25
Turkey 1923 25pi blkbrn d=crescent & star (1923) perf=13.25
Turkey 1923 50pi gray d=crescent & star (1923) perf=13.25
Turkey 1923 100pi dkvio d=crescent & star (1923) perf=13.25
Turkey 1923 500pi dpgrn d=crescent & star (1923) perf=13.25
Turkey 1/1/1924 1 1/2pi emer d=Cobandede bridge & Kemal Pasha perf=12
Turkey 1/1/1924 3pi vio d=Cobandede bridge & Kemal Pasha perf=12
Turkey 1/1/1924 4 1/2pi rose d=Cobandede bridge & Kemal Pasha perf=12
Turkey 1/1/1924 5pi yelbrn d=Cobandede bridge & Kemal Pasha perf=12
Turkey 1/1/1924 7 1/2pi dpbl d=Cobandede bridge & Kemal Pasha perf=12
Turkey 1/1/1924 50pi org d=Cobandede bridge & Kemal Pasha perf=12
Turkey 1/1/1924 100pi brnvio d=Cobandede bridge & Kemal Pasha perf=12
Turkey 1/1/1924 200pi olbrn d=Cobandede bridge & Kemal Pasha perf=12
Romania 2pa yeloch imperf unissued
Romania 5pa bl imperf unissued
Romania 20pa red imperf unissued
Italian offices in the Turkish Empire special delivery 1922 15pi wmk=crown (Italy) unissued
