Desc: 10pa
Currency: Ottoman lira (40par=40pa=1pia=1pi)
Numerical sorting value: 600
Equivalent denoms: 1/4pi (2), 1/4pia (1)
Users of this denom: Austrian offices in the Turkish Empire (10 stamps, 1886-1908), Cilicia (9 stamps, 1919-1920), Crete (2 stamps, 1898-1899), Eastern Rumelia (8 stamps, 1880-1885), German offices in the Turkish Empire (6 stamps, 1884-1905), Mytilene (2 stamps, 1912), Italian offices in the Turkish Empire (4 stamps, 1908-1922), Italy/Albania (2 stamps, 1902-1907), Constantinople (1 stamp, 1909), Durazzo (1 stamp, 1909), Janina (2 stamps, 1902-1909), Jerusalem (1 stamp, 1909), Salonika (1 stamp, 1909), Scutari (1 stamp, 1909), Smyrna (1 stamp, 1909), Valona (1 stamp, 1909), Romanian offices in the Turkish Empire (2 stamps, 1896), Russian offices in the Levant (12 stamps, 1900-1913), Thrace (6 stamps, 1913), Turkey (80 stamps, 1865-1923), Turkey in Asia (6 stamps, 1921-1922)
Used by 158 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Turkey 1/13/1865 10pa dpgrn issue=1865 dt=crescent & star d=crescent & star (1865) perf=12.5
Turkey 1/13/1867 10pa graygrn issue=1867 dt=crescent & star d=crescent & star (1867) perf=12.5
Turkey 1869 10pa dlvio issue=1869 dt=crescent & star d=crescent & star (1869)
Turkey 1870 10pa brn issue=1870 dt=crescent & star d=crescent & star (1869)
Turkey 1870 10pa lil issue=1870 dt=crescent & star d=crescent & star (1869) perf=5-11
Turkey 1873 10pa olbrn issue=1873 dt=crescent & star d=crescent & star (1869) perf=5-11
Turkey 1873 10pa dklil issue=1873 dt=crescent & star d=crescent & star (1869) perf=13.25
Turkey 1874 10pa redvio issue=1874 dt=crescent & star d=crescent & star (1874)
Turkey 1874 10pa redvio issue=1874 dt=crescent & star d=crescent & star (1874) perf=12,12.5
Turkey 4/1876 10pa redlil issue=1876 Apr dt=crescent & star d=crescent & star (1876) perf=13.25
Turkey 9/15/1876 10pa blk&roselil d=crescent (1876) perf=13.25
Turkey newspaper 1879 10pa blk&roselil perf=13.25
Eastern Rumelia 1880 10pa issue=1880 ovpt=R.O oc=blk on=issuer=Turkey-1876-10pa
Turkey 5/1/1880 10pa blk&grn issue=1880 d=crescent (1876)
Eastern Rumelia 1881 10pa blk<grn perf=13.5
Eastern Rumelia 1884 10pa grn&palegrn perf=11.5
German offices in the Turkish Empire 1884 10pa vio issue=1884 d=numeral (pfennig) oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-1880-5pf-vio
Turkey 1884 10pa grn&palegrn issue=1884 d=crescent (1876)
Eastern Rumelia 9/22/1885 10pa blk<grn issue=1885a ovpt=lion oc=bl on=1881-10pa-blk<grn-perf=13.5 perf=13.5
Eastern Rumelia 9/22/1885 10pa blk<grn issue=1885a ovpt=lion oc=blk on=1881-10pa-blk<grn-perf=13.5 perf=13.5
Eastern Rumelia 9/22/1885 10pa grn&palegrn issue=1885a ovpt=lion oc=bl on=1884-10pa-grn&palegrn perf=11.5
Eastern Rumelia 9/24/1885 10pa blk<grn issue=1885b ovpt=lion in frame oc=blk on=1881-10pa-blk<grn-perf=13.5 perf=13.5
Eastern Rumelia 9/24/1885 10pa grn&palegrn issue=1885b ovpt=lion in frame oc=blk on=1884-10pa-grn&palegrn perf=11.5
Austrian offices in the Turkish Empire 1886 10pa grn d=arms of Austria (1883) ovpt=value oc=blk on=1883-3sld-grn
Austrian offices in the Turkish Empire 1888 10pa grn d=arms of Austria (1883) ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=Austria-1883-3kr-grn wmk=MARKEN perf=9-12.5
German offices in the Turkish Empire 10/1/1889 10pa grn issue=1889 d=crown over numeral oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-1889-5pf-grn perf=13.5x14.25
Austrian offices in the Turkish Empire 1890 10pa blgrn d=Franz Josef (1890) ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=Austria-1890-3kr perf=9-12.5
Turkey 6/5/1890 10pa grn&gray d=crescent (1876)
Turkey 3/1892 10pa graygrn issue=1892 d=arms of sultan & tughra perf=13.5
Turkey newspaper 1893 10pa graygrn issue=newspaper 1893 d=arms of sultan & tughra ovpt=yyy oc=blk on=1892-10pa-graygrn perf=13.5
Romanian offices in the Turkish Empire 1896 10pa bl issue=1896 d=King Carol I (1893 b) oc=vio on=issuer=Romania-1893-5b-bl wmk=PR perf=VARIOUS
Romanian offices in the Turkish Empire 1896 10pa bl issue=1896 d=King Carol I (1893 b) oc=blk on=issuer=Romania-1893-5b-bl wmk=PR perf=VARIOUS
Crete 1898 10pa bl issue=Heraklion b
Turkey military 4/21/1898 10pa yelgrn d=tughra & bridge perf=13.5
Crete 1899 10pa brn issue=Heraklion c
Russian offices in the Levant 1900 10pa ovpt=value oc=blk on=2k-unissued
Austrian offices in the Turkish Empire 1900 10pa prusgrn d=Franz Josef (1890) ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=Austria-1899-5h perf=9-12.5
German offices in the Turkish Empire 10/1/1900 10pa grn d=Germania (Reichspost) oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-1900-5pf-grn perf=14x14.25
Turkey 1901 10pa grn issue=1901b d=tughra (1901 b) perf=13.25
Turkey 1901 10pa yelgrn issue=1901a d=tughra (1901 a) perf=13.25
Austrian offices in the Turkish Empire 1901 10pa prusgrn d=Franz Josef (1890) ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=Austria-1899-5h perf=9-12.5
Turkey postage due 1901 10pa blk&rose issue=1901 due b perf=13.25
Janina 1902 10pa blgrn issue=1902 d=Eagle & ornaments ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-1901-5c-blgrn wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Austrian offices in the Turkish Empire postage due 1902 10pa dlgrn ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=Austria-1899-5h-dlgrn-unissued
Italy/Albania 1902 10pa blgrn d=Eagle & ornaments ovpt=ALBANIA//value Para value oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-1901-5c-blgrn wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
German offices in the Turkish Empire 1903 10pa grn d=Germania (Reichspost) ovpt=A with bar oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-1900-5pf perf=14x14.25
Austrian offices in the Turkish Empire 1903 10pa dkgrn&blk d=Franz Josef (1903) var=varnish bars
Turkey 1905 10pa dlgrn d=tughra (1905)
German offices in the Turkish Empire 10/1/1905 10pa grn d=Germania (Deutsches Reich) ovpt=value(fraktur) oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-1902-5pf perf=14x14.25
German offices in the Turkish Empire 11/1905 10pa grn d=Germania (Deutsches Reich) ovpt=value(fraktur) oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-1905-5pf wmk=lozenges
(plus 108 more) (See all uses as list)