Short desc: 1875
Issuer: Bermuda Dates: 3/11/1875 - 5/8/1875 Consists of 3 stamps: (See stamps as list) 1p gray d=Queen Victoria (1865 Bermuda 1sh) ovpt=One//Penny. oc=blk on=1sh 4/23/1875 1p bl d=Queen Victoria (1866 Bermuda) ovpt=One//Penny. oc=blk on=1866-2p wmk=crown & CC perf=14 5/8/1875 1p buff d=Queen Victoria (1873 Bermuda) ovpt=One//Penny. oc=blk on=1873-3p wmk=crown & CC perf=14 Issues with this name: Queensland, Azores, Bermuda, Denmark, Finland, Württemberg, Germany, Great Britain, Heligoland, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, Philippines, Russia, St. Christopher, Hawaii |