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1875 issue of Württemberg

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Short desc: 1875

Issuer: Württemberg
Dates: 7/1/1875 - 1900

Consists of 19 stamps: (See stamps as list)

2pf gray
3pf grn
2/5/1890 3pf brn
5pf vio
1890 5pf grn
10pf car
20pf ultra
25pf redbrn
1890 25pf org
1900 30pf org&blk
1900 40pf car&blk
50pf gray
1878 50pf graygrn
1891 50pf purbrn
2m yel
1879 2m ver
11/1/1881 2m yel&blk
1883 2m yelorg&blk
11/1/1881 5m bl&blk

All are d=numeral in circle (1875) perf=11.5x11

Issues with this name: Queensland, Azores, Bermuda, Denmark, Finland, Württemberg, Germany, Great Britain, Heligoland, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, Philippines, Russia, St. Christopher, Hawaii