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WNS catalog - Peru

Name: WNS
Abbrev: WNS
Full name: World Numbering System

Number Type Isort Sort Source
PE001.06 postage 1/9/2006 5.50s multi issue=Christmas 2005 unwmk perf=14 1
PE002.06 1/9/2006 5.50s issue=Eighth World Colloquium on world Heritage Cities - Cusco 2
PE003.06 1/10/2006 5.50s issue=400th Anniversar..tification of Sister Ana de los Angeles 1
PE004.06 1/11/2006 5.00s issue=400th Anniversary of Don Quixote of La Mancha 1
PE005.06 1/11/2006 2.50s issue=Pope Benedict XVI d=Pope Benedict XVI perf=14 2
PE006.06 1/11/2006 2.50s 2 0
PE007.06 1/13/2006 5.50s issue=Centenary of Rotary International 1
PE008.06 1/16/2006 5.50s issue=Fight against Poverty 1
PE009.06 1/18/2006 2.50s dt=volcanos of Arequipa d=Chachani perf=14
PE010.06 1/18/2006 2.50s d=Pichupichu 0
PE011.06 1/18/2006 2.50s d=Misti 0
PE012.06 1/20/2006 5.50s issue=Centenary of the National Academy of History 1
PE013.06 1/20/2006 2.50s issue=San Pedro Church perf=14 2
PE014.06 1/20/2006 2.50s 2 0
PE015.06 1/23/2006 5.50s issue=85th Anniversary of the YMCA 1
PE016.06 1/26/2006 5.00s issue=125th Anniversar..nventor Julio C. Tello d=Julio C. Tello 1
PE017.06 2/6/2006 5.50s issue=75 Years of control of Public Finances 1
PE018.06 2/11/2006 6.00s issue=150th Anniversary of the creation of Cajamarca province 1
PE019.06 2/16/2006 2.00s dt=Peruvian cuisine d=Shrimp soup perf=14
PE020.06 2/16/2006 2.00s d=Pork pie 0
PE021.06 2/16/2006 2.00s d=Duck with rice 0
PE022.06 2/16/2006 2.00s d=Stuffed chili pepper 0
PE023.06 2/17/2006 2.00s dt=Butterflies of Peru (2006) d=Morpho achilles 1
PE024.06 2/17/2006 2.00s d=Heliconius sara (2006) 2
PE025.06 2/17/2006 2.00s d=Dryas julia (2006) 3
PE026.06 2/17/2006 2.00s d=Caligo eurilochus (2006) 4
PE027.06 1/20/2006 2.00s issue=Scouts of Peru 3
PE028.06 1/20/2006 2.00s 3 0
PE029.06 2/22/2006 6.00s dt=Peruvian cultures d=Chavin
PE030.06 2/22/2006 6.00s d=Paracas 0
PE031.06 2/24/2006 6.00s d=Ayar brothers
PE032.06 2/27/2006 2.00s dt=Symbols of the Peruvian nation perf=14
PE033.06 2/27/2006 2.00s 0
PE034.06 2/27/2006 2.00s 0
PE035.06 2/28/2006 5.50s issue=50th Anniversary of Caritas del Peru 1
PE036.06 3/1/2006 6.00s dt=Products of Peru d=Lucuma
PE037.06 3/1/2006 6.00s d=Chirimoya 0
PE038.06 3/3/2006 6.00s d=Transcontinental routes
PE039.06 3/28/2006 6.00s dt=Peruvian writers d=Alfredo Bryce Echenique perf=14
PE040.06 3/28/2006 6.00s d=Mario Vargas Llosa (2006) 0
PE041.06 4/7/2006 6.00s issue=70th Anniversary of the Ministry of Health 8
PE042.06 4/7/2006 6.00s issue=25th Anniversary ..merican Integration Association (ALADI) 7
PE043.06 4/28/2006 6.00s d=Hubnerite
PE044.06 4/28/2006 6.00s d=Chicha 0
PE045.06 5/2/2006 5.50s dt=fauna of Lake Titicaca d=Orestias spp 1
PE046.06 5/2/2006 5.50s d=Plegadis ridgwayi 2
PE047.06 5/2/2006 5.50s d=Phoenicoparrus andinus 3
PE048.06 5/2/2006 5.50s d=Telmatobius culeus 4
PE049.06 5/5/2006 5.50s dt=parrots of Peru d=Pionopsitta barrabandi 1
PE050.06 5/5/2006 5.50s d=Tovit huetii 2
PE051.06 5/5/2006 5.50s d=Pionites melanocephala 3
PE052.06 5/5/2006 5.50s d=Ara severa (2006) 4
PE053.06 5/5/2006 5.50s d=Amazona festiva 5
PE054.06 5/5/2006 5.50s d=Ara ararauna (2006) 6
PE055.06 5/8/2006 5.50s dt=viceroys of Peru d=Francisco de Toledo (2006) 1
PE056.06 5/8/2006 5.50s d=Martin Enriquez de Almansa 2
PE057.06 5/8/2006 5.50s d=Fernando Torres y Portugal 3
PE058.06 5/8/2006 5.50s d=Garcia Hurtado de Mendoza 4
PE059.06 5/10/2006 6.00s dt=lighthouses of Peru d=Isla Lobos de Tierra
PE060.06 5/10/2006 6.00s d=Isla Blanca 0
PE061.06 5/15/2006 6.00s dt=birds of Peru (2006) d=ganso Andino perf=14 3
PE062.06 5/15/2006 6.00s d=Iquitos gnatcatcher 2
PE063.06 5/15/2006 6.00s d=Bare-faced Ground-dove Metriopelia ceciliae 1
PE064.06 5/16/2006 5.50s dt=surfing
PE065.06 5/16/2006 5.50s 0
PE066.06 5/16/2006 6.00s d=Peruvian Railways - Lima - Callao
PE067.06 5/17/2006 5.50s issue=Northeastern Tourist Circuit d=Trujillo 1 1
PE068.06 5/17/2006 5.50s d=Lambayeque 1 2
PE069.06 5/17/2006 5.50s d=Cajamarca 1 3
PE070.06 5/17/2006 5.50s d=Amazonas 1 4
PE071.06 5/17/2006 5.50s d=Northeastern Tourist destinations - San Martin 1 5
PE072.06 5/17/2006 5.50s d=Loreto 1 6
PE073.06 5/19/2006 2.00s issue=Visits of Pope John Paul II 1
PE074.06 5/19/2006 2.00s 1 0
PE075.06 5/19/2006 2.00s 1 0
PE076.06 5/19/2006 2.00s 1 0
PE077.06 5/19/2006 2.00s 1 0
PE078.06 5/19/2006 2.00s 1 0
PE079.06 5/19/2006 2.00s 1 0
PE080.06 5/19/2006 2.00s 1 0
PE081.06 5/22/2006 6.00s issue=Aviation 1
PE082.06 5/22/2006 6.00s 1 0
PE083.06 5/22/2006 6.00s issue=Peruvian Carnivals d=Puno 2
PE084.06 5/22/2006 6.00s d=Arequipa 2 0
PE085.06 5/22/2006 6.00s d=Cajamarca 2 0
PE086.06 5/23/2006 6.00s issue=180th Anniversary of the daily newspaper El Peruano 4
PE087.06 5/31/2006 2.00s dt=Peruvian Women d=Micaela Bastidas (2006)
PE088.06 5/31/2006 2.00s d=Micaela Bastidas - Church of Cusco 0
PE089.06 12/22/2006 2.00s issue=International Y..f Deserts and Desertification perf=13.5 17
PE090.06 12/22/2006 5.50s multi issue=250th Ann..of the birth of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 5
PE091.06 12/22/2006 2.00s issue=Christmas 2006 perf=13.5 18
PE092.06 12/22/2006 8.50s multi issue=World Cup 2006 6
PE093.06 12/27/2006 6.00s issue=500th Anniversary of death of Christopher Columbus 1
PE094.06 12/29/2006 2.00s issue=35th Anniversar..of China d=giant panda (2006) perf=13.5 1
PE095.06 12/29/2006 2.00s multi d=guanaco (2006) 1 0
PE096.06 12/29/2006 2.00s d=Machu Pichu 1 0
PE097.06 12/29/2006 2.00s d=Great Wall of China (2006 Peru) 1 0
PE098.06 12/29/2006 3.00s multi issue=America 2006 2
PE099.06 12/29/2006 5.50s 2
PE100.06 12/29/2006 8.50s issue=75th Anniversar..the first philatelic exhibition in Peru 3

Prefixes: 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18
Suffixes: .04, .06, .07