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WNS catalog - Uganda

Name: WNS
Abbrev: WNS
Full name: World Numbering System

Number Type Isort Sort Source
UG001.09 postage 4/10/2009 1600sh multi d=Chinese Peony Flower unwmk
UG002.09 4/10/2009 2000sh issue=Barack Obama inauguration perf=11.5 1
UG003.09 4/10/2009 2000sh 1 0
UG004.09 4/10/2009 2000sh 1 0
UG005.09 4/10/2009 1000sh issue=Sites and Scenes of China d=Longmen Grottoes, Luoyang 2
UG006.09 4/10/2009 1000sh d=Pearl River, Guangzhou 2 0
UG007.09 4/10/2009 1000sh d=Twin Temples on Fir Lake 2 0
UG008.09 4/10/2009 1000sh d=Yo Yuan Garden, Shanghai 2 0
UG009.09 4/10/2009 2000sh issue=200th Anniversary of Birth of Abraham Lincoln perf=13 3
UG010.09 4/10/2009 2000sh 3 0
UG011.09 4/10/2009 2000sh 3 0
UG012.09 4/10/2009 2000sh 3 0
UG013.09 7/7/2009 2000sh issue=Michael Jackson memorial 1
UG014.09 7/7/2009 2000sh 1 0
UG015.09 7/7/2009 2000sh 1 0
UG016.09 7/7/2009 2000sh 1 0
UG017.09 7/7/2009 2000sh 1 0
UG018.09 7/7/2009 2000sh 1 0
UG019.09 7/7/2009 2000sh 1 0
UG020.09 7/7/2009 2000sh 1 0
UG021.09 11/12/2009 4000sh issue=Chinese Aviation Centenary d=JH-7 1
UG022.09 11/12/2009 2000sh d=Q-5 1
UG023.09 11/12/2009 2000sh d=Q-5C 1 0
UG024.09 11/12/2009 2000sh d=JH-7A 1 0
UG025.09 11/12/2009 2000sh d=JH-7 1 0

Prefixes: 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19
Suffixes: .15