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WNS catalog - Denmark

Name: WNS
Abbrev: WNS
Full name: World Numbering System

Number Type Isort Sort Source
DK001.11 semipostal 1/6/2011 5.50+.50k blk&red ..the Danish Rheumatism Association unwmk 1
DK002.11 1/6/2011 8.00+.50k 1
DK003.11 postage 3/9/2011 6k gray&bl issue=2011..een Margrethe II (2010) perf=Die Cut 13 1
DK004.11 3/9/2011 8.00k gray&red 1
DK005.11 3/9/2011 9.00k gray&yelgrn 1
DK006.11 3/9/2011 11k gray&dkultra 1
DK007.11 3/23/2011 6k redbrn&blk&dkbl issue=Supreme Court 350th d=legal text perf=14 1
DK008.11 3/23/2011 8k blk&dkred&ultra d=justices in front of doorway 1
DK009.11 3/23/2011 8k multi dt=camping life d=trailer & garden gnome 1
DK010.11 3/23/2011 6k d=man wearing tank top in front of trailer
DK011.11 3/23/2011 8k dt=arts d=Untitled by Claus Carstensen 2
DK012.11 3/23/2011 13.00k d=Stamp Art by Lise Harlev - This Place
DK013.11 5/4/2011 6.00k dt=manor houses (2011) d=Norre Vosborg
DK014.11 5/4/2011 6.00k d=Voergaard Slot 0
DK015.11 5/4/2011 8.00k d=Engelsholm Slot 1
DK016.11 5/4/2011 8.00k d=Gammel-Estrup 1 0
DK017.11 5/4/2011 8.00k issue=Europa 2011 dt=forests (2011 Denmark) d=frog's perspective 1 0
DK018.11 5/4/2011 11.00k multi d=bird's perspective 1
DK019.11 5/4/2011 8.00k issue=Carsten Niebuhr's Arabian Expedition 250th 2
DK020.11 5/4/2011 13.00k multi 2
DK021.11 6/8/2011 6.00k dt=children's TV d=Bruno
DK022.11 6/8/2011 8.00k d=Teddy
DK023.11 6/8/2011 2.00k multi dt=summer flowers d=poppies
DK024.11 6/8/2011 6.00k issue=Summer Flowers d=Cranesbill 2
DK025.11 6/8/2011 8.00k d=Masterworth 2
DK026.11 6/8/2011 10.00k multi d=Yellow Poppies 2
DK027.11 6/8/2011 8.00k issue=S/S Hjejlen 150th 1
DK028.11 8/4/2011 8.00k issue=Road World Championship 1
DK029.11 8/4/2011 6.00k d=Fashion by Malene Birger
DK030.11 8/4/2011 8.00k d=Fashion by Soulland
DK031.11 8/4/2011 8.00k d=Exercise prevents and relieves Rheumatism perf=13x13.5 0
DK032.11 9/10/2011 6.00k multi issue=Copenhagen Central Station 100th d=The Tower 1
DK033.11 9/10/2011 8.00k d=Under the Clock 1
DK034.11 9/10/2011 8.00k d=The Arches 1 0
DK035.11 9/10/2011 16.00k d=S-train at the station 1
DK036.11 10/25/2011 6.00k issue=winter 2011 d=Winter Bather 1
DK037.11 10/25/2011 8.00k d=Old Lady who Feeds Dogs 1
DK038.11 10/25/2011 11.00k d=Dog Walker 1
DK039.11 10/25/2011 13.00k d=Man fishing on the Ice 1

Prefixes: 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18