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WNS catalog - Denmark

Name: WNS
Abbrev: WNS
Full name: World Numbering System

Number Type Isort Sort Source
DK001.12 postage 1/2/2012 12.00k multi issue=2012 d=Queen Margrethe II (2010) unwmk 1
DK002.12 1/2/2012 14.00(k) 1
DK003.12 1/4/2012 8.00k issue=Four Decades as a Queen d=Queen Margrethe II & lions 1
DK004.12 1/4/2012 6.00k issue=Norden 2012 d=Dronning Alexandrines Bro 2
DK005.12 1/4/2012 8.00k d=Farobroene 2
DK006.12 1/4/2012 6.00k issue=China-Denmark joint issue d=simplified Armillary Sphere 3
DK007.12 1/4/2012 6.00k d=equatorial Armillary Sphere 3 0
DK008.12 3/21/2012 12.00k issue=Europa 2012 d=P.. Harlequin on a Christiana Bike perf=14 1
DK009.12 3/21/2012 6.00k issue=Nordic Coastlines d=rescue at sea 3
DK010.12 3/21/2012 11.00k d=Rescue Helicopter in action 3
DK011.12 6/1/2012 2.00k issue=Hans Christian An..d=The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep 1
DK012.12 6/1/2012 3.00k d=The Nightingale 1
DK013.12 6/1/2012 6.00k d=The Wild Swans 1
DK014.12 6/1/2012 8.00k d=What the Old Man does is Always Right 1
DK015.12 6/1/2012 6.00k issue=Open Sandwiches d=Egg and Prawns 2
DK016.12 6/1/2012 6.00k d=Rolled Sausage 2 0
DK017.12 6/1/2012 8.00k d=Potato sandwich 2
DK018.12 6/1/2012 16.00k d=Roast Beef 2
DK019.12 semipostal 6/10/2012 8.00+0.50k d=Crown Princess Mary (2012)
DK020.12 postage 9/5/2012 8.00k issue=Autumn Flowers dt=autumn flowers d=Soapwort 1
DK021.12 9/5/2012 12.00k d=Greater Knapweed 1
DK022.12 9/5/2012 14.00(k) d=Hawkbit 1
DK023.12 9/5/2012 8.00k d=Johanne Luise Heiberg
DK024.12 9/12/2012 8.00k d=Central Post Office
DK025.12 11/2/2012 6.00k issue=Winter 2012 d=Dark Winter morning 1
DK026.12 11/2/2012 8.00k d=Bright frosty day 1
DK027.12 11/2/2012 8.00k d=Dark cold night 1 0
DK028.12 11/2/2012 16.00k d=Post Scriptum 2012

Prefixes: 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18