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WNS catalog - Israel

Name: WNS
Abbrev: WNS
Full name: World Numbering System

Number Type Isort Sort Source
IL001.02 postage 2/24/2002 1.20s multi d=lily (2002) unwmk
IL002.02 2/24/2002 2.10s d=Yiddish
IL003.02 2/24/2002 2.10s d=Ladino (Judeo-Spanish) language 0
IL004.02 2/24/2002 1.20s issue=The Months of the Year d=Elul 1 12
IL005.02 2/24/2002 1.20s d=Tishrei 1 1
IL006.02 2/24/2002 1.20s d=Av 1 11
IL007.02 2/24/2002 1.20s d=Heshvan 1 2
IL008.02 2/24/2002 1.20s d=Tammuz 1 10
IL009.02 2/24/2002 1.20s d=Kislev 1 3
IL010.02 2/24/2002 1.20s d=Sivan 1 9
IL011.02 2/24/2002 1.20s d=Tevet 1 4
IL012.02 2/24/2002 1.20s d=Iyyar 1 8
IL013.02 2/24/2002 1.20s d=Shevat 1 5
IL014.02 2/24/2002 1.20s d=Nisan 1 7
IL015.02 2/24/2002 1.20s d=Adar 1 6
IL016.02 2/24/2002 1.90s issue=Mushrooms 2002 d..ooms (2002) d=Agaricus campester (2002) 2
IL017.02 2/24/2002 2.20s d=Amanita muscaria (2002) 2
IL018.02 2/24/2002 2.80s d=Suillus granulatus (2002) 2
IL019.02 4/10/2002 1.20s issue=Memorial Day 200..nt to the fallen of the Military Police 1
IL020.02 4/10/2002 2.20s issue=Historians dt=historians d=Heinrich Graetz 1
IL021.02 4/10/2002 2.20s d=Benzion Dinur 1 0
IL022.02 4/10/2002 2.20s d=Simon Dubnow 1 0
IL023.02 4/10/2002 2.20s d=Yitzhak Baer 1 0
IL024.02 4/10/2002 4.70s d=Hakhel Leyisrael
IL025.02 4/10/2002 5.90s issue=ILAN - Israel Foundation for Handicapped Children 2
IL026.02 6/18/2002 3.30s issue=The Council for Preservation of Building & Historic Sites 1
IL027.02 6/18/2002 4.40s issue=Geology of Israel dt=geology of Israel d=ammonite 2
IL028.02 6/18/2002 3.40s d=Copper minerals 2
IL029.02 6/18/2002 2.20s d=Fossil of a fish 2
IL030.02 6/18/2002 2.20s issue=Cable cars dt=cable cars (2002) d=Rosh Haniqra unwmk 3
IL031.02 6/18/2002 2.20s d=Menara Cliff 3 0
IL032.02 6/18/2002 2.20s d=Haifa (2002) 3 0
IL033.02 6/18/2002 2.20s d=Massada 3 0
IL034.02 8/27/2002 4.60s d=Building & Historic sites - Kadoorie Agricultural School
IL035.02 8/27/2002 1.20s issue=Festivals 2002 dt=Wine in Israel 1
IL036.02 8/27/2002 1.90s 1
IL037.02 8/27/2002 2.30s 1
IL038.02 8/27/2002 2.20s issue=Birds of the Jor.. the Jordan Valley d=black stork (2002) 2
IL039.02 8/27/2002 2.20s d=Common Crane (2002) 2 0
IL040.02 8/27/2002 2.20s d=golden eagle (2002) 2 0
IL041.02 8/27/2002 1.20s d=Rechavam Ze'evy (Gandi) 1926-2001
IL042.02 8/27/2002 5.90s d=Baruch Spinoza (2002)
IL043.02 11/26/2002 2.20s issue=Philately Day 2002 dt=children's games d=marbles 2
IL044.02 11/26/2002 2.20s d=Yo-Yo 2 0
IL045.02 11/26/2002 2.20s d=Spinning Top (Forfera) 2 0
IL046.02 11/26/2002 2.20s d=Five stones 2 0
IL047.02 11/26/2002 1.20s issue=Political Journ..dt=political journalists d=Abba Ahimeir 1
IL048.02 11/26/2002 3.30s d=Israel Eldad (Scheib) 1
IL049.02 11/26/2002 4.70s d=Moshe Beilinson 1
IL050.02 11/26/2002 5.90s d=Rabbi Binyamin (Yehoshua Radler-Feldman) 1
IL051.02 11/26/2002 0.30s issue=2002 d=menorah 2002 3
IL052.02 11/26/2002 1s 3

Prefixes: 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
Suffixes: .17