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WNS catalog - Israel

Name: WNS
Abbrev: WNS
Full name: World Numbering System

Number Type Isort Sort Source
IL001.08 postage 1/27/2008 4.60s multi issue=In..- Joint Issue with United Nations unwmk 2
IL002.08 1/27/2008 5.80s issue=Mekorot 70th 4
IL003.08 1/27/2008 2.25s issue=UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Israel d=The Biblical Tels 1
IL004.08 1/27/2008 3.40s d=The Incense Route 1
IL005.08 1/27/2008 2.25s issue=Tel-Aviv Centennial 3
IL006.08 1/27/2008 4.50s d=Ahuzat-Bayit Land Lottery 3
IL007.08 1/27/2008 8.15s d=A.A. Weiss 3
IL008.08 4/28/2008 ND d=The Israeli
IL009.08 4/28/2008 1.55s issue=Memorial Day 2008 1
IL010.08 4/28/2008 1.55s issue=Israel - 60 Years of Independence 1 0
IL011.08 4/28/2008 2.80s issue=50th Anniversary of Israel Export Institute 1
IL012.08 4/28/2008 ND issue=Flowers 2008 d=rose (2008) 1
IL013.08 4/28/2008 ND d=Cyclamen persicum (2008) 1 0
IL014.08 4/28/2008 2.25s issue=Independence Day Posters 2
IL015.08 4/28/2008 2.25s 2 0
IL016.08 4/28/2008 2.25s 2 0
IL017.08 4/28/2008 2.25s 2 0
IL018.08 4/28/2008 2.25s 2 0
IL019.08 4/28/2008 2.25s 2 0
IL020.08 4/28/2008 10.00s d=Hatikva - Israeli National Anthem
IL021.08 5/14/2008 2.25s issue=Israel's 60th dt=children's paintings (2008) unwmk 1
IL022.08 5/14/2008 2.25s 1 0
IL023.08 5/14/2008 2.25s 1 0
IL024.08 5/14/2008 18.00s d=Jerusalem of Gold
IL025.08 5/14/2008 5.50s issue=Tel Aviv Centennial - Nahum Gutman unwmk 2
IL026.08 5/14/2008 4.50s 2
IL027.08 5/14/2008 3.50s 2
IL028.08 7/14/2008 1.55s d=Gush Katif
IL029.08 7/14/2008 4.50s issue=Promenades in Is..ernaum-Tabgha Promenade, Sea of Galilee 1
IL030.08 7/14/2008 4.60s d=Armon Hanatziv Promenade, Jerusalem 1
IL031.08 7/14/2008 8.15s d=Rishonim Promenade, Netanya 1
IL032.08 7/14/2008 1.55s issue=Olympics 2008 d=Rhythmic Gymnastics 2
IL033.08 7/14/2008 1.55s d=swimming (2008) 2 0
IL034.08 7/14/2008 2.25s d=Laser Radial Sailing 2
IL035.08 7/14/2008 2.25s d=tennis (2008) 2 0
IL036.08 9/17/2008 1.60s issue=Medicinal Herbs ..pices Definitive series d=Tree Wormwood 1
IL037.08 9/17/2008 Non-denominated d=Three-lobed Sage 1
IL038.08 9/17/2008 2.30s issue=Rabbis Forerunners of Zionism d=Rabbi Samuel Mohilewer 2
IL039.08 9/17/2008 8.50s d=Rabbi Zevi Hirsch Kalischer 2
IL040.08 9/17/2008 1.60s d=Festivals 2008 Torah Crown, Aden
IL041.08 9/17/2008 3.80s d=Festivals 2008 Torah Crown, Poland
IL042.08 9/17/2008 3.80s d=Festivals 2008 Torah Crown, Turkey 0
IL043.08 11/6/2008 1.60s issue=60 Years of Frie..between Israel and France - Joint issue 1
IL044.08 11/6/2008 3.80s 1
IL045.08 12/17/2008 1.60s issue=2008 Population Census - Central bureau of Statistics 2
IL046.08 12/17/2008 2.30s issue=IDF Radio 1
IL047.08 12/17/2008 5.60s issue=Taglit Birthright Israel 3
IL048.08 12/17/2008 1.60s issue=Philately Day 2008 dt=Ancient Letters 4
IL049.08 12/17/2008 2.30s 4
IL050.08 12/17/2008 8.50s 4

Prefixes: 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
Suffixes: .17