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WNS catalog - Israel

Name: WNS
Abbrev: WNS
Full name: World Numbering System

Number Type Isort Sort Source
IL001.16 postage 2/9/2016 2.30s multi issue=Tur..e Environment d=hawksbill turtle (2016) 1
IL002.16 2/9/2016 2.30s d=green turtle (2016) 1 0
IL003.16 2/9/2016 2.30s d=loggerhead turtle (2016) 1 0
IL004.16 2/9/2016 2.30s d=leatherback turtle (2016) 1 0
IL005.16 2/9/2016 2.30s issue=Pioneering Women d=Nehama Pohatchevsky unwmk 1 0
IL006.16 2/9/2016 5.00s d=Zelda 1
IL007.16 2/9/2016 4.10s d=Seasons in Israel - Winter
IL008.16 2/9/2016 4.10s issue=Joint Issue Greec.. Israel d=Ports of Thessaloniki & Haifa 2
IL009.16 2/9/2016 11.70s d=Ephraim Kishon
IL010.16 4/19/2016 4.10s issue=Markets in Israel d=Mahane Yehuda Market in Jerusalem 3 1
IL011.16 4/19/2016 4.10s d=Flea Market in Jaffa 3 2
IL012.16 4/19/2016 4.10s d=Ancient Acre Market 3 3
IL013.16 4/19/2016 4.10s d=Seasons in Israel - Spring
IL014.16 4/19/2016 2.30s issue=Knesset building, Jerusalem - Jubilee 1
IL015.16 4/19/2016 2.30s issue=Memorial Day 2016 2
IL016.16 4/19/2016 2.30s issue=Israeli Achievements d=Digital Prepress 2 0
IL017.16 4/19/2016 8.30s d=Digital Printing 2
IL018.16 4/19/2016 7.40s d=Israel-Spain joint I..elations - Bridge of Strings, Jerusalem
IL019.16 6/21/2016 11.70s d=WWI in Eretz Israel - Centenary - 1916
IL020.16 6/21/2016 4.10s issue=Olympics 2016 1
IL021.16 6/21/2016 4.10s 1 0
IL022.16 6/21/2016 4.10s 1 0
IL023.16 6/21/2016 4.10s d=Seasons in Israel - Summer
IL024.16 6/21/2016 2.30s issue=Service Dogs d=Guide Dogs 2
IL025.16 6/21/2016 10.00s d=Search & Rescue Dogs 2
IL026.16 9/13/2016 4.10s d=Seasons in Israel - Autumn
IL027.16 9/13/2016 5.00s issue=Israel - Bulgari.. flag of Bulgaria, flag of Israel unwmk 2
IL028.16 9/13/2016 4.10s issue=Parables of the Sages d=The Lion and the Heron 3
IL029.16 9/13/2016 4.10s d=The Fox in the Vineyard 3 0
IL030.16 9/13/2016 4.10s d=The Reed and the Cedar 3 0
IL031.16 9/13/2016 2.30s issue=Festivals 2016 d=Yom Kippur Poem - The Potter 1
IL032.16 9/13/2016 7.40s d=Yom Kippur Poem - The Glazier 1
IL033.16 9/13/2016 8.30s d=Yom Kippur Poem - The Silversmith 1
IL034.16 9/13/2016 2.30s issue=Casualties of War and Terror Appreciation Day 4
IL035.16 11/13/2016 2.40s issue=Tourism in Jerusalem d=Jerusalem Biblical Zoo 1 5
IL036.16 11/13/2016 2.40s d=First Train Station 1 1
IL037.16 11/13/2016 2.40s d=Via Dolorosa 1 2
IL038.16 11/13/2016 2.40s d=Jaffa Road 1 3
IL039.16 11/13/2016 2.40s d=Ramparts Promenade 1 4
IL040.16 11/13/2016 4.10s issue=Mosaics in Eretz Israel d=Synagogue, Gaza, 6th Century 2 1
IL041.16 11/13/2016 4.10s d=Villa, Lod, 3rd Century 2 2
IL042.16 11/13/2016 4.10s d=Synagogue, Maon (Negev), 6th Century 2 3
IL043.16 11/13/2016 5.00s d=King Solomon's Ships
IL044.16 11/13/2016 11.70s d=Yitzhak Navon unwmk

Prefixes: 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
Suffixes: .17