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WNS catalog - Israel

Name: WNS
Abbrev: WNS
Full name: World Numbering System

Number Type Isort Sort Source
IL002.17. postage 2/7/2017 4.10s multi issue=Aromatic Plants d=Myrrh unwmk 1
IL003.17. 2/7/2017 4.10s d=Balsam 1 0
IL004.17. 2/7/2017 8.30s issue=120 Years of the Zionist Organization of America 2
IL005.17. 2/7/2017 11.70s d=Krav Maga
IL006.17. 2/7/2017 2.40s d=Brit Hayyale Ha'Estel
IL007.17. 2/7/2017 2.40s issue=UNESCO World Heri..e Sites in Israel d=Nahal Me'arot Caves 1
IL008.17. 2/7/2017 5.00s d=Bet She'arim Necropolis 1
IL009.17. 2/7/2017 10.00s d=Maresha and Bet-guvrin Caves 1
IL010.17. 4/4/2017 4.00s issue=Passover Haggadah..Kibbutz Artzi Federation, 1944 (Aliyah) 4
IL011.17. 4/4/2017 4.00s d=Pirkei Pesach (Passover Chapters), Haganah, 1948 (Security) 4 0
IL012.17. 4/4/2017 4.00s d=Kibbutz Ein Gev, 1944 (settlement) 4 0
IL013.17. 4/4/2017 7.40s d=Joint Issue Israel-Portugal - Dolphin Research
IL014.17. 4/4/2017 2.40s issue=Memorial Day 2017 2
IL015.17. 6/13/2017 11.60s d=WW1 in Eretz Israel..neral Allenby entering Jerusalem (1917)
IL016.17. 6/13/2017 2.40s issue=20th Maccabiah 2
IL029.17. 9/4/2017 6.50nis issue=Flowers - Joint..nemone coronaria & Iris croatica Prodan 1
IL030.17. 9/12/2017 2.40nis issue=Shimom Peres, 1923-2016 1
IL031.17. 9/12/2017 2.40nis issue=100th Anniversary of the Habimah National Theatre 4
IL032.17. xlink Colnect 758703-Selichot_Prayers-Jewish_Religious_Traditions-Israel
IL033.17. postage 9/12/2017 7.40nis multi issue=Festivals - The Month of Tishrei unwmk 2
IL034.17. 9/12/2017 8.30nis 2
IL035.17. 11/14/2017 6.50nis issue=Architecture - Joint Issue with Russia 2

Prefixes: 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
Suffixes: .17