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WNS catalog - Israel

Name: WNS
Abbrev: WNS
Full name: World Numbering System

Number Type Isort Sort Source
IL001.15 postage 1/27/2015 4.50s multi issue=Ph..e Holocaust d=Open doors monument unwmk 2
IL002.15 1/27/2015 2.10s issue=Ariel Sharon memorial d=Ariel Sharon 1
IL003.15 2/10/2015 1.80s issue=Winter Flowers d=Anthemis leucanthemifolia 1
IL004.15 2/10/2015 2.10s d=Alkanna tinctoria 1
IL005.15 2/10/2015 2.70s d=Anemone coronaria 1
IL006.15 2/10/2015 11.80s issue=International Y..013 - Computational Chemistry Rhodopsin 2
IL007.15 2/10/2015 4.10s d=chess
IL008.15 4/14/2015 8.30s issue=The Cyrus Declaration 5
IL009.15 4/14/2015 2.20s issue=Memorial Day 2015 2
IL010.15 4/14/2015 11.80s issue=100th Anniversary of the Zion Mule Corps 6
IL011.15 4/14/2015 4.30s issue=50th Anniversary of Ashdod Port 3
IL012.15 4/14/2015 4.10s issue=50th Anniversary..Israel Museum d=Synagogue Hanukkah Lamp 1
IL013.15 4/14/2015 4.10s d=Shrine of the Book 1 0
IL014.15 4/14/2015 4.10s d=Turning the World Upside Down by Anish Kapoor 1 0
IL015.15 4/14/2015 6.50s issue=Expo 2015 4
IL016.15 5/7/2015 7.40s issue=50 Years of Diplomatic Relations Tel Aviv - The White City 1
IL017.15 6/16/2015 2.20s d=Bell AH-1 Cobra (2015)
IL018.15 6/16/2015 Non-denominated issue=Vegetables 2015 dt=vegetables (2015) d=Carrot 1
IL019.15 6/16/2015 Non-denominated d=Purple Cabbage 1 0
IL020.15 6/16/2015 Non-denominated d=lettuce (2015 Israel) 1 0
IL021.15 6/16/2015 Non-denominated d=onion (2015) 1 0
IL022.15 6/16/2015 Non-denominated d=tomato (2015) 1 0
IL023.15 6/16/2015 11.80s d=WWI in Eretz Israel..enary - The Military Railway 1915 unwmk
IL024.15 6/16/2015 4.10s issue=Jewellery from J..m Jewish Communities d=Bridal Jewellery 2
IL025.15 6/16/2015 4.10s d=Wedding ring 2 0
IL026.15 6/16/2015 4.10s d=Bridal Head Ornament 2 0
IL027.15 9/2/2015 7.00s issue=First visit of Pope Francis to Israel 1
IL028.15 9/2/2015 2.20s issue=Holidays 2015 d=Rosh Hashanah 2
IL029.15 9/2/2015 7.40s d=Yom Kippur 2
IL030.15 9/2/2015 8.30s d=Sukkot 2
IL031.15 9/2/2015 11.80s issue=70th Anniversary of Jewish Resistance Movement 3
IL032.15 9/2/2015 4.10s issue=Rivers in Israel d=Taninim River 4
IL033.15 9/2/2015 4.10s d=Kziv River 4 0
IL034.15 9/2/2015 4.10s d=Zin River 4 0
IL035.15 12/8/2015 5.00s issue=Nili Centenary 1
IL036.15 12/8/2015 10.00s d=The Mamluk Postal Road
IL037.15 12/8/2015 11.70s d=Pension Savings
IL038.15 12/8/2015 2.30s issue=Theatre and Ente..nment Personalities d=Sefi Rivlin unwmk 3
IL039.15 12/8/2015 4.10s d=Channa Marron 3
IL040.15 12/8/2015 2.30s issue=Israeli Nostalgia d=Soda Siphon 2
IL041.15 12/8/2015 2.30s d=Tembel Hat unwmk 2 0
IL042.15 12/8/2015 2.30s d=Sussita 2 0

Prefixes: 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
Suffixes: .17