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WNS catalog - Israel

Name: WNS
Abbrev: WNS
Full name: World Numbering System

Number Type Isort Sort Source
IL001.13 postage 2/5/2013 2.00s multi issue=Arad - 50 Years unwmk 2
IL002.13 2/5/2013 9.50s d=Israel Customs
IL003.13 2/5/2013 3.00s issue=Water - The Source of Life 3
IL004.13 2/5/2013 4.20s d=The Hebrew Reali School
IL005.13 2/5/2013 0.20s issue=Gerberas dt=Gerberas 1
IL006.13 2/5/2013 0.30s 1
IL007.13 2/5/2013 0.40s 1
IL008.13 2/5/2013 0.50s d=yellow Gerbera 1
IL009.13 2/5/2013 1.00s 1
IL010.13 4/2/2013 3.00s issue=Israeli Achievements d=Cardiology Percutaneous Heart Valve 2
IL011.13 4/2/2013 4.20s d=Cardiology Stent 2
IL012.13 4/2/2013 5.00s d=Cardiology Implantable Defibrillator 2
IL013.13 4/2/2013 3.00s issue=Taking the Vultur..lappet-faced vulture & Egyptian vulture 3
IL014.13 4/2/2013 3.00s d=Griffon vulture (2013) 3 0
IL015.13 4/2/2013 3.00s d=Bearded Vulture (2013) 3 0
IL016.13 4/2/2013 9.50s d=Flags over the Ghetto
IL017.13 4/2/2013 2.00s issue=Memorial Day 2013 1
IL018.13 5/10/2013 2.00s issue=Israel-Australia..- Australian Light Horse Beersheba 1917 1
IL019.13 5/10/2013 6.10s 1
IL020.13 5/26/2013 5.00s issue=Postal Vehicles in Eretz Israel 1
IL021.13 5/26/2013 3.00s 1
IL022.13 5/26/2013 2.00s 1
IL023.13 5/26/2013 3.00s issue=19th Maccabiah Games unwmk 2
IL024.13 5/26/2013 9.50s d=Yitzhak Shamir
IL025.13 5/26/2013 2.00s issue=Israel National Trail 3 1
IL026.13 5/26/2013 2.00s 3 2
IL027.13 5/26/2013 2.00s 3 3
IL028.13 5/26/2013 2.00s 3 4
IL029.13 5/26/2013 2.00s 3 5
IL030.13 5/26/2013 2.00s 3 6
IL031.13 5/26/2013 2.00s 3 7
IL032.13 5/26/2013 2.00s 3 8
IL033.13 5/26/2013 2.00s 3 9
IL034.13 5/26/2013 2.00s 3 10
IL035.13 5/26/2013 3.00s issue=Centenary of the Hashomer Hatzair Movement unwmk 4
IL036.13 6/11/2013 7.00s issue=Endangered Species From the Desert to the Arctic 1
IL037.13 8/26/2013 2.00s issue=Israeli Music - Children's Songs 1 6
IL038.13 8/26/2013 2.00s 1 7
IL039.13 8/26/2013 2.00s 1 8
IL040.13 8/26/2013 2.00s 1 9
IL041.13 8/26/2013 2.00s 1 5
IL042.13 8/26/2013 2.00s 1 10
IL043.13 8/26/2013 2.00s 1 4
IL044.13 8/26/2013 2.00s 1 11
IL045.13 8/26/2013 2.00s 1 3
IL046.13 8/26/2013 2.00s 1 2
IL047.13 8/26/2013 2.00s 1 1
IL048.13 8/26/2013 2.00s 1 12
IL049.13 8/26/2013 2.00s dt=Festivals (2013) d=Etrog Box, Iraq 19th C.
IL050.13 8/26/2013 3.90s d=Etrog Box, Austria 19th C.
IL051.13 8/26/2013 5.70s d=Etrog Box, Bezalel Jerusalem 20th C.
IL052.13 8/26/2013 9.60s d=Israel Military Industries
IL053.13 8/26/2013 3.10s d=Betar - World Zionist Youth Movement
IL054.13 10/28/2013 2.00s issue=Joint issue Isr..- Uruguay d="The Annunciation of Sarah" 1
IL055.13 10/31/2013 5.00s d=Rachel & Rachel's Tomb
IL056.13 12/3/2013 3.10s issue=100 Years of Aviation in Eretz Israel d=Fouga Magister 1
IL057.13 12/3/2013 3.10s d=Bleriot XI (2013) 1 0
IL058.13 12/3/2013 3.10s d=Heron 1 1 0
IL059.13 12/3/2013 3.10s issue=The Holiday of Holidays - Haifa 3
IL060.13 12/3/2013 3.90s issue=Giuseppe Verdi 200th Anniversary 2
IL061.13 12/3/2013 10.00s issue=International Year of Crystallography 4

Prefixes: 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
Suffixes: .17